PBS `qsub`
We'll cover the following...
When you are new to PBS, the place to start is the qsub
command, which submits jobs to your HPC systems. The only jobs that the qsub
accepts are scripts, so you’ll need to package your tasks
appropriately. Here is a simple example script (myjob.pbs
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#!/bin/bash#PBS -N demo // job name#PBS -o demo.txt // output file#PBS -e demo.txt // error output file#PBS -q workq // queue name#PBS -l mem=100mb // requested memory sizempiexec -machinefile /etc/myhosts -np 4 /home/user/area
The first line specified the shell to use in interpreting the script, while the next few lines
starting with #PBS
are directives that are passed to PBS. The first names the job, the next two
specify where output and error output go, the next to last identifies the queue that is used,
and the last lists a resource that will be needed, in this case 100 MB
of memory. The blank
line signals ...