
Learn how to train the perceptron using our data.

The ML process

For any complex problem that requires the computer to be able to identify patterns, there is an ML process to solve it.

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Machine learning pipeline
Machine learning pipeline

This chapter demystifies each step of this process one by one. This lesson is about the third step—training.

Machine learning

Let’s recap the machine learning solution as we have understood it so far. Given the numerical dataset, we take it to the input space and partition the space through a decision boundary such that the “Good” class lies on one side of the decision boundary and the “Bad” class lies on the other side. This way, a general concept of good movies is learned.

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Machine learning from the data
Machine learning from the data


We have our first machine learning model, a perceptron, which can map the input space into a decision space and linearly separate the “Good” class from the “Bad.”

The right decision boundary is possible, provided we identify the right set of weights.

However, where do the right weight values come from? The movie dataset only has two features (actingacting,directiondirection ...