High-Performing Architecture I

Prepare yourself for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Certificate exam with practice questions related to Amazon ElastiCache, AWS Transit Gateway, Amazon Aurora Serverless, Amazon Neptune, and Lambda function with reserved concurrency to design high-performing architectures.

Question 48

An e-commerce company uses AWS Lambda functions to process orders from its online store. The Lambda functions read and write data to an Amazon DynamoDB table. The company experiences a significant increase in traffic during sales events, and it needs to ensure that its architecture can handle the high volume of requests without performance degradation.

As a solutions architect, recommend a solution that optimizes the performance of the Lambda functions and the DynamoDB table during high-traffic periods.

A. Increase the memory allocation for the Lambda functions and enable provisioned concurrency to ensure they can handle high traffic.

B. Enable DynamoDB Auto Scaling to automatically adjust the read and write capacity of the table based on traffic patterns.

C. Use AWS Step Functions to orchestrate the Lambda functions and add retry logic to handle failures.

D. Use Amazon ElastiCache to cache frequent read requests and enable DynamoDB Auto Scaling to handle high write throughput.

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