High-Performing Architecture II

Prepare yourself for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Certificate exam with practice questions related to EventBridge, AWS Fargate with auto-scaling policies, AWS X-Ray, AWS Snowcone, and DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) to design high-performing architectures.

Question 53

A financial services company needs to build a real-time fraud detection system that monitors transactions across multiple applications. The system must detect potential fraudulent activities and trigger automated workflows, such as sending alerts, blocking transactions, and logging events for further analysis. The company requires a solution that can integrate seamlessly with various AWS services, third-party SaaS applications, and on-premises systems while ensuring low-latency event processing and high availability.

As a solutions architect, which AWS service would you recommend for handling the event routing and triggering of automated workflows in this real-time fraud detection system?

A. Use Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) to publish and subscribe to messages across the system.

B. Use Amazon EventBridge to route events between different applications, AWS services, and third-party SaaS applications based on rules and patterns.

C. Use Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) to queue and process messages from different applications.

D. Use AWS Step Functions to define and orchestrate workflows that can respond to events.

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