Resilient Architecture I

Prepare yourself for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Certificate exam with practice questions related to Amazon EMR, DynamoDB, Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, Amazon EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Database Migration Service, Amazon Transcribe, and Auto Scaling group to design resilient architectures.

Question 1

David is a cloud engineer managing an application that processes and analyzes large datasets stored in Amazon S3. Currently, the team uses multiple AWS Lambda functions triggered by S3 events to process these datasets. However, the Lambda functions frequently run out of resources due to the high memory and compute requirements, causing processing delays and failures. The team wants to implement a more scalable solution that efficiently handles large-scale data processing. Which AWS service or combination of services would best address their needs?

A. AWS Glue

B. Increase the memory allocation for Lambda functions

C. Amazon Redshift

D. Amazon EMR with Auto Scaling

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