Resilient Architecture IV

Prepare yourself for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Certificate exam with practice questions related to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, S3 Object Lock, and Application Load Balancer (ALB) routing features to design resilient architectures.

We'll cover the following

Question 16

A software house has built a Go (Golang) application that requires continuous operation, dynamic scaling, and integration with other AWS services like RDS and S3 for database and storage needs. They want to deploy this application on AWS to minimize manual infrastructure management while ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.

What will be the best way to deploy their Go application?

A. Deploy the application on Amazon EC2 instances with an Auto Scaling group and manually configure load balancing and fault tolerance.

B. Use AWS Lambda with API Gateway to deploy the Go application as serverless functions, managing state and long-running processes through DynamoDB and SQS.

C. Deploy the application on Amazon S3 and use CloudFront for caching and distribution.

D. Deploy and manage the Go application using AWS Elastic Beanstalk with a custom Docker container, leveraging its built-in support for Auto Scaling, load balancing, and integration with other AWS services.

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