Secure Architecture III

Prepare yourself for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Certificate exam by tackling practice questions related to IAM roles, Amazon Quantum Ledger Database, Amazon EC2, Amazon Inspector, Amazon S3 Access Points, AWS Certificate Manager, Amazon EC2, and Application Load Balancer to design secure architectures.

Question 29

A company has several teams, and as a solutions architect, you are asked to delegate access to a set of users from the development team to access resources in the production team. Both of these teams are under different AWS accounts that are part of an organization.

A. Create a new IAM role with the required permissions to access the resources in the PROD environment. The users can then assume this IAM role while accessing the resources from the PROD env.

B. Create new IAM user credentials for the production environment and share these credentials with the set of users from the development environment

C. Use the AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) to allow the development team to access resources in the production account.

D. Configure AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) with cross-account access.

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