Configuring an Infura Project

Learn how to configure an Infura key (project) and use it with a MetaMask account.

In this lesson, we'll learn how to configure an Infura project that we'll later use to interact with an Ethereum network. We'll also see how we sign Ethereum transactions programmatically without using MetaMask.

Configuring an Infura project

Instead of running our Ethereum node, we'll configure an Infura project that'll allow us to interact with an Ethereum network programmatically. To do this, we first need to go to the Infura website and create a new account.

Once a new account is created, we should see a dashboard that looks like this:

Press + to interact
Infura home page
Infura home page

To use Infura, we first need to create a new Infura key (a name for a project in Infura). To do this, we need to click the “CREATE NEW KEY” button at the top right corner, after which we'll see the following modal window:

Press + to interact
Creating a new Infura key
Creating a new Infura key

To use the Ethereum API in this project, we need to select “Web3 API” in the “NETWORK” drop-down and then give it an arbitrary name. Once we have this straightforward configuration, we can click “CREATE” to create a new key.

Press + to interact
New key configuration
New key configuration

After this, Infura will display a new dashboard page where we'll get an API ...