Dash Input Components
Learn what Dash input components are and how they can capture user interactivity in Dash apps.
Dash Input Components
One of the key features of Dash is its ability to handle user input through a variety of Components. These Components include text inputs, dropdown menus, sliders, radio buttons, checkboxes, and more.
Each input Component in Dash is associated with a callback function that is triggered whenever the user interacts with the component. This allows developers to create dynamic and responsive applications that update in real-time as the user interacts with them. For example, a user might select a value from a dropdown menu, which would trigger a callback that updates a chart or table on the page. Overall, Dash’s input Components provide a powerful and flexible way to create interactive web applications for data visualization and analysis.
Having said this, callback functions in Dash are a topic that we will cover in a future section, so, for now, we will investigate some popular input Components and how it is implemented within app.Layout
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