Hands-On: Serverless ML Pipeline in AWS
Implement, analyze, and monitor the machine learning pipeline using AWS and the Serverless platform.
Test yourself
Let's deploy our serverless machine learning application using Step Functions (state machines and ML pipeline). Use the following widget to deploy the application:
Don't forget to replace the value of
enviroment variable with a name of your choice.
### Section where you define most general settings of your application org: ${env:SERVERLESS_ORG} app: ${env:SERVERLESS_APP} service: ${env:SERVERLESS_SERVICE} frameworkVersion: '3' # It is recommend to go directly for the latest major release, if you're not in need of migrating provider: ### Reference: https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/serverless.yml#provider ### Generic provider settings name: aws stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'} region: ${env:AWS_REGION} # stackName: - It is sometimes useful to overwrite this. By default, it is {service}-{stage} tags: ${self:custom.defaultTags} # It is a good practice to tag your resources stackTags: ${self:custom.defaultTags} # It is a good practice to tag your resources ### Generic function settings runtime: python3.8 # Defines generic runtime for all functions or individually per function logRetentionInDays: 7 # environment: - It is used to define envs available to all functions # KEY: value ### Deployment bucket deploymentBucket: name: ${env:AWS_BUCKET_NAME} # It is a good practice to give your pre-defined bucket that's shared for all sls deployments ### ECR Image ecr: images: mlimage: path: ./image cacheFrom: - serverless-101:latest ### Section where you define plugins used by your application plugins: - serverless-python-requirements - serverless-step-functions custom: service_stage: ${self:service}-${self:provider.stage} defaultTags: App: ${self:app} Service: ${self:service} Environment: ${self:provider.stage} pythonRequirements: pythonBin: python3 dockerizePip: false # The dockerizePip option supports a special case in addition to booleans of 'non-linux' which makes it dockerize only on non-linux environments zip: true # keeping the deployment bundle as small as possible slim: true # keeping the deployment bundle as small as possible useDownloadCache: false # not necessarily needed useStaticCache: false ### Section where you define different parameters per stage params: dev: memory: 128 prod: memory: 256 ### Section where you define what files to package package: individually: true # Each Lambda function determines individually which files to package patterns: - "!./**" ### Section where you define your functions functions: predict: # No need to indicate the handler, module, package, or anything # as the function is already a part of the Docker image image: mlimage name: ${self:custom.service_stage}-predict description: This Lambda makes predictions with an ML model memorySize: ${param:memory} timeout: 10 add: module: handlers/add handler: handler.add name: ${self:custom.service_stage}-add description: This Lambda adds a random number to predictions memorySize: ${param:memory} timeout: 10 package: patterns: - handlers/add/** layers: - arn:aws:lambda:${env:AWS_REGION}:336392948345:layer:AWSDataWrangler-Python38:2 hello: module: handlers/hello handler: handler.hello name: ${self:custom.service_stage}-hello description: This Lambda says hello memorySize: ${param:memory} timeout: 10 package: patterns: - handlers/hello/** # Resources: # 1) https://www.serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/events/event-bridge # 2) https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/cw-events.html#cw-events-events events: - eventBridge: pattern: source: - aws.states # Add more details below to further filter action based on the message in EventBridge layers: - arn:aws:lambda:${env:AWS_REGION}:336392948345:layer:AWSDataWrangler-Python38:2 ### Section where you define your step functions workflow stepFunctions: stateMachines: mlPipeline: name: ${self:custom.service_stage}-pipeline definition: Comment: "This Step Functions workflows orchestrates a small ML model workflow" StartAt: Predict States: Predict: Type: Task Resource: Fn::GetAtt: [predict, Arn] # Fn::GetAtt - is CloudFormation syntax interpreted by serverless as well Next: Add Add: Type: Task Resource: Fn::GetAtt: [add, Arn] End: true
Test yourself here
As a result, we should see two new ECR repositories in our account. Each of them will store our build mlimage
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After the successful execution, click on a repository name. Then click on the “View push commands” button. Use the following steps to authenticate and push an image to your repository.
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Click on the "View push commands" button for pushing an image