

Implementing a Student Roster

Implementing a Student Roster

Learn how an Angular service can be accessed from a page to display its data.

Now, you need to put those students you just created in Students service into the Roster Page. The Roster Page at src/app/roster/roster.page.ts is opened for you in the application below.

import { AppPage } from './app.po';

describe('new App', () => {
  let page: AppPage;

  beforeEach(() => {
    page = new AppPage();
  describe('default screen', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
    it('should say Inbox', () => {
Implementing student roster

Following is the Roster page that we are going to implement:

Implementing Roster

Just before the constructor (in the application above), create an array of students to hold the list you will retrieve from the StudentsService:

Press + to interact
//This will hold the list of students
students: Student[] = [];

Next, you need to inject a reference to the StudentsService into the page’s constructor. Insert a new private parameter studentService, of type StudentsService.

Press + to interact
private studentService: StudentsService) { }

Do not forget to import Student and StudentsService from ../students.service. Make sure you get the casing right, or Angular will not be happy with you. Marking the parameter private automatically exposes the parameter as a member of the component class. It is a handy shortcut TypeScript provides.

By default, the Roster Page implements Angular’s OnInit interface, which ...