

Placing Content in Your Post-Apocalyptic Grid - II

Placing Content in Your Post-Apocalyptic Grid - II

Learn more about CSS grid properties like auto-rows, auto-columns, auto-flow, place-content, justify-items, and place-items.

Zombie auto flow

The following are some properties to set the default values for an item’s size and location in a grid.

grid-auto-rows: This gives you control over the rows that the system creates automatically when you place an item outside the explicitly created rows or when there’s more content than what will fit in the explicitly created rows. grid-auto-rows can take any of the size parameters you would use in an explicitly created row, including length, percentage, min-content/max-content, repeat(), minmax(), and fractions of the horde.

grid-auto-columns: This is the same as grid-auto-rows, but for zombies…errr…columns.

grid-auto-flow: When you’ve finished placing all the items you want to place in your grid, you may have items leftover whose exact placement isn’t as important. You can use different algorithms to auto place these items. grid-auto-flow is how you tell the browser which algorithm to use.

.undead-parent {
    grid-auto-rows: 200px;