

Introduction to the Hexadecimal System

Introduction to the Hexadecimal System

Get to know what the hexadecimal number system is, why we need it, and how to represent numbers using it.

The need for another number system

We have the decimal system for our everyday counting, which is conveniently base-10 because of our ten fingers. We also have the base-2 binary system because of the high and low states a transistor in a computer can have. So why would we need another number system? Let’s see with an example.

The number 900900 in binary is 11100001001110000100.

Because 2 is a small base, it takes a large number of digits to represent a value, and the problem here is that it is hard for humans to accurately read and write a number in binary.

So we need a method better than a string of 1’s and 0’s to represent binary numbers. Let’s try something.

00110011 10001000 ...