The Progression of PDF
Learn about PDF feature progression to understand what can be manipulated.
The PDF took shape from the concept of the paperless office that was popular at the start of the 1990’s.
Thirty years ago, Dr. John Warnock in collaboration with his team, sought to fix the following problem: “The inability to exchange information between machines, between systems, between users in a way to guarantee that the interchanged file would look the same everywhere it went.”
Dr. John Warnock, the Adobe co-founder, paved the ground towards resolving the aforementioned problem in a memo dated 1991, in the Camelot Report, where he delineated the idea for the PDF.
Driven by his vision and need to meet potential clients, Dr. John Warnock was looking for a Windows programmer to produce a demo for IBM, and he bumped into Bob Wulff, ...