Get a Multi-node Kubernetes Cluster with Civo Cloud
Learn to install a Kubernetes cluster on the Civo cloud.
Most clouds have a hosted Kubernetes service, and you can follow along on any. In the course, we're using a local Kubernetes Kind cluster, so you don't need to get any. However, if you do want to create a cluster on the Cloud, you can use a Civo Cloud Kubernetes cluster because it’s easy to use, and readers get $500 of free credit using the sign-up link. The free credit is more than enough to complete the examples; it lasts for three months following sign-up, and the link will work until at least 2025.
What you get with Civo Cloud Kubernetes
Civo Cloud Kubernetes is a hosted Kubernetes service. As such:
It’s easy to setup
It’s multi-node
It’s production-grade
The control plane is managed by Civo and hidden from you
It offers advanced integrations with cloud services such as storage and load balancers
What you don’t get with Civo Cloud Kubernetes
Civo Cloud Kubernetes doesn’t give you Docker or kubectl. You’ll need these to follow along, and the easiest way to get them is to install Docker Desktop.
Get a Civo Cloud Kubernetes cluster
Point your browser to and sign up for an account. It’s a simple process, and you’ll automatically get $500 of free credit that lasts for three months. You have to provide billing details, but the free credit will be more than enough to complete all the examples in the course.
Once you’re set-up, log in to the Civo Dashboard, click Kubernetes from the left navigation bar, and choose to Create a new Cluster.
Give your cluster the following settings:
Name: qsk
How many nodes: 3
Select a size: Small
Network: default
Firewall: default
Expand the "Show advanced options" section and choose a k3s cluster at version 1.28 or higher.
Leave all other options as default and click Create Cluster.
It’ll take a couple of minutes for the cluster to build. When it’s ready, the Civo dashboard will show basic info about your highly-available multi-node cluster.