Exploring and Configuring Hygraph API

Learn how to generate a Hygraph API and work with an API playground.

After our models have been created and our contents added to our Hygraph CMS, we need a way to communicate with Hygraph so we can fetch the data into our React application.

This is done with the Hygraph content API. This API can be accessed for free, a massive advantage of using a headless CMS compared to building a back-end system from scratch. We won’t struggle with getting a hosting service, securing our back-end codes, and so on.

We have to generate the API and start consuming it in our application.

Hygraph API playground

Hygraph has an API playground we can use to generate our GraphQL queries and test them immediately before using them in our application. This playground is friendly and does not require technical expertise or knowledge to generate our queries.

On our project's dashboard, we can access the content API playground via either of the two options labeled in the image below.

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