

Reactive Patterns and Other Ways to Share Data

Reactive Patterns and Other Ways to Share Data

Learn about reactive patterns and some other ways to share data.

The reactive pattern for sharing data

Angular services are powerful and efficient for creating common references for sharing both data and business logic between components. We’ll combine Angular services with observables, more specifically BehaviorSubject, to create stateful, reactive services that will allow us to synchronize the state efficiently across an entire application. So, in the following subsections, we’ll explain the steps to implement a reactive pattern to share data between unrelated or sibling components.

Creating a shared service

We’ll create an Angular service called SharedDataService using the Angular CLI, as usual, under the src/app/core/services folder.

ng g s SharedData
Creating an Angular service

In the SharedDataService class, we need to create the following:

  • A private BehaviorSubject called selectedRecipeSubject to multicast the value of the currently selected recipe, which represents the data to be shared. It’s a strongly typed BehaviorSubject. The type of emissions will be Recipe. We initialize it with an empty object as the default value, since initially, we don't have any selected value. We define the selectedRecipeSubject value as private to protect it from external use; otherwise, any external process could call the next method and change the ...