

Sum Numbers in a Linked List

Sum Numbers in a Linked List

This lesson helps you calculate the sum of numbers in a linked list using recursion.

Sum n Numbers

Given a linked list, add numbers and then return the sum. The following illustration explains the concept:

Implementing the Code

The following code calculates the sum of the node values in the linked list using recursion.

Experiment with the following code by changing the elements of the list.

Press + to interact
using namespace std;
// Node Class
class Node
int data;
Node *next;
//calculate sum of numbers in a linked list
int sumList(Node* head)
{ //base case
if (head == NULL) return 0;
//recursive case
else return head->data + sumList (head->next);
//insert a new node
void insertAtHead(Node** head, int new_data)
//make a new node
Node* new_node = new Node();
//insert data in the node
new_node->data = new_data;
//make the new_node->next points to head
new_node->next = (*head);
//head points at new node
(*head) = new_node;
//Driver Function
int main()
//emty list
Node* head = NULL;
//insert Data in the list
insertAtHead(&head, 5);
insertAtHead(&head, 4);
insertAtHead(&head, 3);
insertAtHead(&head, 2);
insertAtHead(&head, 1);
cout<<"List:1->2->3->4->5 \n Sum of numbers in a list:";
return 0;

Understanding the Code

A recursive code can be broken down into two ...