

Assertions with AssertJ

Assertions with AssertJ

Let’s explore the AssertJ library and its set of assertions for Java.


We’ve used the Assertions class of the JUnit5 framework in all our unit and integration tests for comparing expected and actual results. However, the AssertJ library offers fluent assertion APIs with better code readability and error messages.


Let’s add the core AssertJ dependency in the build.gradle file of our todo application.

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dependencies {
testImplementation "org.assertj:assertj-core:3.22.0"

The AssertJAssertions class

We’ll create the AssertJAssertions class to make a few assertions by using the AssertJ’s Assertions class.

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package io.educative.unit;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;
public class AssertJAssertions {

The String
