Before We Begin
Get introduced to the course, the prerequisites, and the course learning outcomes.
About the course
This is a beginner-friendly course. In this course, we’ll learn about container technology using Docker and container management tools such as Kubernetes, and we’ll use them on top of Microsoft Azure, the cloud service provider. We’ll deploy our application using the AKS cluster and manage it using Helm.
Course topics
We’ll start from the fundamentals and cover essentially everything. The following is a list of major topics we’ll look at in detail:
- What is Docker?
- Use cases of Docker
- Docker images
- Docker containers
- Docker Hub
- Dockerfile
- What is Kubernetes?
- The need for Kubernetes
- Deployment using Kubernetes
- Working with Kubernetes Pods
- Kubernetes clusters
- Kubernetes Ingress
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- What is Azure?
- How Azure operates
- Advantages of Azure Services
- Working with Azure
- AKS cluster
- Deployment using AKS Cluster
- What is Helm?
- Helm charts
- Working on Helm
- Helm installation
- Managing our application using Helm
Although we’ll cover everything from the basics, this course assumes you have some prior knowledge of the Linux command line.
In addition, to get the most out of this course, it will be extremely helpful to have some familiarity with virtual machines, clouds, and containers. That’s more than enough to get started with the course.