

IP and MAC Spoofing Using Nmap

IP and MAC Spoofing Using Nmap

Learn how to spoof IP and MAC addresses using Nmap.

Getting detected by firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDSs) is a primary concern while using Nmap. We can minimize detection by spoofing IPs with Nmap. It allows us to alter the source IP address of a packet, making it appear as if it came from a different IP address.

Let’s explore this concept in detail.

What is IP spoofing?

Nmap allows us to specify the source IP address for the packets it sends, which can be used for masking the origin of the scan or bypassing firewall rules. This is known as IP spoofing. Using this approach, even if an IDS picks up an attacker’s IP, it can’t be easily traced back to the attacker.

Before we start looking at IP spoofing, there are two things to keep in mind:

  • IP spoofing doesn’t give us a response back. ...