MobX Concepts and Configuration

Learn how MobX is a minimalistic, straightforward, and unopinionated state management library for React applications and how to configure MobX in our app.

Going over MobX concepts

Let’s start with a little bit of history about the piece of software that we are going to examine. It so happens that MobX has a very calm presence in the React community. There isn’t really any drama surrounding its conception or development. It was announced in 2015 as a solution on the blog of the company Mendix, where the creator of MobX, Michel Weststrate, used to work. The blog post details the reasons for creating this library, namely the fact that a pure ReactJS app in 2015 was not very good at managing complex states. Since then, MobX has been developed as an OSS library on GitHub.

In 2016, it was joined by MobX-State-Tree (MST), a state container system for MobX. MST is to MobX what Redux Toolkit is to Redux. It’s an additional tool made for a better developer experience (DX), but it’s not required. To make like easier, in this course, we will use MST.

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