

Answer: Insert Using Stored Procedures

Answer: Insert Using Stored Procedures

Find a detailed explanation of inserting data in tables using stored procedures in SQL.


The solution is given below:

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-- Query with stored procedure named AddEmployeeWithCategory
-- and parameters are EmployeeName, EmployeeAge, and ProductCategoriesName
CREATE PROCEDURE AddEmployeeWithCategory (IN EmployeeName VARCHAR(50),
IN EmployeeAge INT,
IN ProductCategoriesName VARCHAR(50) )
INSERT INTO Employees (EName, Age)
VALUES (EmployeeName, EmployeeAge);
INSERT INTO ProductCategories (CategoryName, EID)
VALUES (ProductCategoriesName, lastID);
END $$
-- Execute the stored procedure
CALL AddEmployeeWithCategory('Jane', 30, 'Jackets');
-- Show the recently added data
SELECT E.EName, E.Age, C.CategoryName
FROM Employees E
JOIN ProductCategories C ON E.EID = C.EID
WHERE E.EName = 'Jane';

Code explanation

The explanation of the solution code is given below:

  • Line 3: The DELIMITER $$ changes the statement delimiter to $$ so semicolons can be used within the procedure.

  • Lines 5–7: The CREATE PROCEDURE defines a stored procedure called AddEmployeeWithCategory with three parameters: EmployeeNameEmployeeAge, and ProductCategoriesName.

  • Lines 8–16: The BEGIN and END are used to define the body of the stored procedure. The DECLARE statement creates a variable lastID to store the ID of the last inserted employee. The INSERT INTO statement adds a new row to the Employees table with the input parameters. The SET statement stores the last inserted employee’s ID in lastID, and INSERT INTO statement adds a new row in the ProductCategories table.

  • Line 18: The DELIMITER ; resets the statement delimiter back to the default semicolon (;).

  • Line 21: The CALL statement executes the stored procedure, passing 'Jane'30 ...

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