Demo Application

Learn how Ticketmaster's APIs can be integrated into a real-world application.

So far, we've explored the many endpoints provided by the Ticketmaster APIs. Now, we'll integrate those APIs into a real-world application.

  1. The first page we see when we run the application is the homepage. This page consists of a navigation bar and a search bar, as well as suggested events, venues, and attractions displayed in the form of cards.
  2. Each card has a “View Details” button that redirects us to the details page for that specific entity.
  3. The “Load more…” cards fetch more suggestions for each entity, rendering them to a new page.
  4. We can use the search bar to search for events, attractions, and so on. To do so, we first need to select the entity type from the drop-down, then enter a search query in the input field. The search results are then rendered to a search results page.

Run the application

Click "Run" to run the demo application below, then click the URL at the bottom of the widget to open up the application in a new browser tab.

Note: The widget below only displays the necessary files that show the integration of the Ticketmaster APIs. Other ...