

Creating the Component Design & Architecture of the System

Creating the Component Design & Architecture of the System

Component design & architecture

The overall architecture could be microservices-based with heavy usage of the publisher-subscriber pattern, involving a queuing technology like Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Amazon SNS, or Amazon MQ. Each microservice can talk with another using this model of publishing a message and subscribing to channels or topics. This mechanism de-couples services from each other in the best possible way.

Consequently, microservice A doesn’t need to know the endpoint of microservice B when it publishes a message to the queue. The publisher doesn’t need to know the consumers (subscribers) of its published messages. Similarly, the subscriber doesn’t know about the source of the message, i.e., the publisher. The Pub/Sub system becomes a broker and serves as a contract between all the involved parties.

Also, it is imperative that each microservice interacts with its own database and doesn’t share with anyone else. This approach is motivated by the database-per-service paradigm. Microservice A doesn’t have direct access to microservice B's database as they are separated and individually owned.

As described earlier, the data model proposes ...