Terraform to the Rescue

Learn how Terraform can help solve the issues that arise from configuring infrastructure manually.

Solve problems using Terraform

Terraform solves all of the problems mentioned in the last lesson by defining infrastructure in code. The code represents the state of your infrastructure. When you run Terraform against your code, it will update your environment to exactly reflect what you have specified in the code. This means Terraform’s results are reproducible every time.

Define infrastructure in code using Terraform

Environment change

Terraform can make all of the changes to your environment very quickly. No longer do you have to wait for days whilst someone follows the run book by hand. A change is made to the code, merged, and Terraform instantly updates every environment simultaneously to include the new change.

Make changes to your environment easily using Terraform

As your infrastructure is now defined in code, you can check it into source control. This means that you can change your code, roll it into an environment using Terraform, and try it out. If the change is not good, you can go back to the previous ...