A Few Tips to Enjoy the Course Better
Learn a few tips to better understand the course.
We'll cover the following...
How to read the code examples
This course takes a hands-on, project-driven approach, which means that source files often change over the course of a chapter. When a code example is a work in progress, its file name (relative to the project root) is shown as a comment at the top of the snippet:
// src/tests/MyComponent.test.js
import React from 'react';
import MyComponent from '../MyComponent';
describe('MyComponent', () => {
it('renders a <div /> tag', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);
As a source file changes over the course of a chapter, familiar sections are omitted with ...
and new/edited lines are highlighted:
// src/tests/MyComponent.test.js...describe('MyComponent', () => {...it('accepts a `className` prop', () => {const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent className="test-class" />);expect(wrapper.hasClass('test-class')).toBe(true);});});
At the end of each chapter, there will be a complete executable code for the project discussed in the chapter.
Mantra: Code with joy
The hope is that this course will help bring more joy to your work by instilling a habit of seeking feedback early and often. Let’s begin!