

Creating ActiveRecord Models

Creating ActiveRecord Models

Learn how to add new migrations and models, and how to make the end-to-end test pass.

We can see the first error by running the test:

rsync -avr --progress /usercode/* /usr/local/educative/gatherer --exclude Gemfile --exclude Gemfile.lock --exclude execute_.sh --exclude execute.sh
cd /usr/local/educative/gatherer
bundle exec rspec
The add_project_spec.rb file of our Rails app

Since Project isn’t yet a standard ActiveRecord resource with routes, the test (unsurprisingly) can’t find new_project_path.

ActiveRecord models

If we read the previous chapter and wondered when we would create ActiveRecord models, our time has come. We need to save to the database for the end-to-end test to pass. We’ll use the Rails resource generator, which creates a controller, migration, and route, but doesn’t put any code in the generated controller.

Note: This creates a bunch of files that we’re unlikely to use, but we’ll let that part slide for now. ...