Checking for Equality

Learn various approaches for checking for equality in this lesson.

A failing equality test

The project for this lesson will be a little familiar from the last lesson. The difference from the last lesson is that we are checking the returned objects using the toBe matcher:

  id: 1,
  firstName: "Bill",
  lastName: "Peters",

A copy of the starter project is in the code widget below:

import { getCompany } from "./data";

test("Should return correct company object when found", async () => {
  const company = await getCompany(1);
    id: 1,
    name: "Dibbert Group",
Verifying that the tests fail

Run the tests in the terminal by running the following command:

npm test

Press the “Run” button to open the terminal when using the code widget above. Both the tests fail.

Jest gives us a clue for how to resolve this with its message:

If it should pass with deep equality, replace “toBe” with “toStrictEqual”.

The problem is that the ...