

Creating and Using Enums

Creating and Using Enums

We'll cover the following...

In the previous example, we used String to represent a suit, but that’s smelly. We don’t need arbitrary values for suit. We may create a sealed class Suit and derived classes for each of the four permissible types. In fact, there can be only four values for suit. In short, we don’t need classes, we simply need four instances. The enum class solves that problem elegantly.

Using enums

Here’s an excerpt of code where the suits properties are converted to use an enum class Suit instead of being a String:

Press + to interact
sealed class Card(val suit: Suit)
class Ace(suit: Suit) : Card(suit)
class King(suit: Suit) : Card(suit) {
override fun toString() = "King of $suit"

Likewise, instead of passing a String to the constructor, we can now pass an instance of ...