

The Flex Container Properties

The Flex Container Properties

I established some fundamental principles. What flex-containers and flex-items are, and how to initiate the Flexbox model.

Having set a parent element as a flex container, a couple of alignment properties are made available to be used on the flex container.

Just like you’d define the width property on a block element as width: 200px, there are 6 different properties the flex container can take on.

The good news is that defining these properties doesn’t require a different approach from what you’re already used to.

1. Flex-direction

The Flex-direction property controls the direction in which the flex-items are laid along the main axis.

It may take any of four values.

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/*where ul represents a flex container*/
ul {
flex-direction: row || column || row-reverse || column-reverse;

In layman’s terms, the flex-direction property let’s you decide how the flex items are laid out. Either horizontally, vertically or reversed in both directions.

Technically, “horizontal” and “vertical” isn’t what the directions are called in the “flex world”.

These are described as main-axis and cross axis. The defaults are shown below.

In layman’s terms again, the main-axis’ default direction feels like “horizontal.” From left to right.

The cross-axis feels like “vertical.” From top to bottom.

By default, the flex-direction property is set to row and it aligns the flex-item(s) along the main axis. This explains what happened with the unordered list at the start of this article.

Even though the flex-direction property wasn’t explicitly set, it took on the default value of row.

The flex items were then laid across the main-axis, stacking horizontally from left to right

If the flex-direction property is changed to column, the flex-items will be aligned along the cross axis.

They would stack from top to bottom, not from left to right any longer.

2. Flex-wrap

The flex wrap property can take on any of three values:

Press + to interact
//where ul represents a flex container
ul {
flex-wrap: wrap || no-wrap || wrap-reverse;

I’ll explain how the flex-wrap property works by walking you through an example.

Try sticking a lot more list items into the unordered list.

What do you think? Will the flex container resize to accommodate more, or will it break up the list items unto another line?

Press + to interact
/*adding 3 more li elements*/
<ul> <!--parent element-->
<li></li> <!--first child element-->
<li></li> <!--second child element-->
<li></li> <!--third child element-->

Fortunately, the flex-container adapts to accommodate the new flex-items

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Go a bit further.

Add a ridiculous amount of flex-items to the parent element. Make it a total of 10 items.

What happens?

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Again, the flex container adapts to fit all children in, even if the browser needs to be scrolled horizontally.

This is the default behavior of every flex container. A flex container will keep on accommodating more flex items on a single line.

This is because the flex-wrap property defaults to nowrap. This causes the flex container to NOT wrap.

Press + to interact
ul {
flex-wrap: no-wrap; /*Keep on taking more flex items without breaking (wrapping)*/

The no-wrap isn’t a iron-clad value. It can be changed.

With that number of flex-items, you certainly want the flex-items to “wrap” within the flex-container.

“Wrap” is a fancy word to say, “when the available space within the flex-container can no longer house the flex-items in their default widths, break unto multiple lines.

This is possible with the wrap value.

Press + to interact
ul {
flex-wrap: wrap;

With this, the flex-items now break up into multiple lines when needed.

In this case, when a single line can no longer contain all the list items in their default width, they break up into multiple lines. Even on resizing the browser.

Here’s what that looks like.

Note that the flex items are now displayed in their default widths. There’s no need to force multiple flex items unto one line.

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There’s one more value, wrap-reverse.

Yes, you guessed right. It lets the flex items break unto multiple lines, but in the reverse direction.

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3. Flex-flow

The flex-flow is a shorthand property which takes flex-direction and Flex-wrap values.

Ever used the border shorthand property? border: 1px solid red.

It’s the same concept here. Multiple values declared in one line.

See the example below.

Press + to interact
ul {
flex-flow: row wrap; /*direction 'row' and yes, please wrap the items.*/

Try out the other combinations this could take. flex-flow: row nowrap, flex-flow: column wrap, flex-flow: column nowrap

The results produced are not different from what you’ve seen with the flex-direction and flex-wrap values.

I’m sure you understand what those would produce.

Give them a try.

4. Justify-content

Life’s really good with the Flexbox model. If you still doubt that, the justify-content property may convince you.

The justify-content property takes on any of the 5 values below.

Press + to interact
ul {
justify-content: flex-start || flex-end || center || space-between || space-around

And what exactly does the justify-content property bring to the table?

Well, It may remind you of the text-align property.

The justify content property defines how flex items are laid out on the main axis.

A quick example. Consider the simple unordered list below.

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Adding up some basic styling…

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With the justify-content property, the three flex-items may be aligned across the main-axis in whatever way you desire.

Here’s the breakdown of what’s possible.

(i) Flex-start

The default value is flex-start.

flex-start groups all flex-items to the start of the main axis

Press + to interact
ul {
justify-content: flex-start;
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(ii) Flex-end

flex-end groups the flex-items to the end of the main axis.

Press + to interact
ul {
justify-content: flex-end;
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(iii) Center

Center does just what you’d expect. It centers the flex items along the main axis.

Press + to interact
ul {
justify-content: center;
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(iv) Space-between

Space-between keeps the same space between each flex item.

Press + to interact
ul {
justify-content: space-between;
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Um, did you notice anything different here?

Take a look at the descriptive image below.

(v) Space-around

Finally, space-around keeps the same spacing around flex items.

Press + to interact
ul {
justify-content: space-around;
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A second look doesn’t hurt:

Don’t worry if these seem like too much to get a hold of. With a bit of practice you will get very comfortable with the syntax.

Be sure to understand how they affect the display of flex items along the main axis.

5. Align-items

The align-items property is somewhat similar to the justify-content property.

Having understood the justify-content property, this should be easier to take in.

Align-items can be set to any of these values: flex-start || flex-end || center || stretch || baseline

Press + to interact
/*ul represents any flex container*/
ul {
align-items: flex-start || flex-end || center || stretch || baseline

It defines how flex-items are laid out on the cross axis. This is the difference between the align-items property and justify-content.

Below is how the different values affect flex items.

Do not forget the direction being affected by these properties. The cross-axis.

(i) Stretch

The default value is stretch. This will “stretch” the flex-items so they fill the entire height of the flex container.

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(ii) Flex-start

The flex-start does what you expect. It groups the flex items to the start of the cross-axis.

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(iii) Flex-end

As expected, flex-end groups the flex items to the end of the cross-axis.

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(iv) Center

The center value is equally predictable. It aligns the flex items to the center of the flex-container.

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(v) Baseline

And the baseline value?

It aligns flex-items along their baselines.

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“Baseline” really sounds fancy.

The result appears to look just like flex-start but it is subtly different.

What the heck is “baseline”?

The image below should help.

Notice how all the flex-items are aligned to have their content seat on the “baseline”?

6. Align-content

While discussing the wrap property, do you remember what happened when you added more flex-items to the flex-container?

You got a multi-line flex container.

The align-content property is used on multi-line flex-containers.

It takes the same values as align-items apart from baseline.

By definition, it controls how the flex-items are aligned in a multi-line flex container.

Just like align-items, the default value is also stretch

These are values you should now be familiar with. So, here’s how they affect a multi-line flex-container with 10 flex-items.

(i) Stretch

With stretch, the flex items are “stretched” to fit the available space along the cross-axis.

The spacing you see between the flex items below is owing to the margin set on the items.

(ii) Flex-start

You’ve seen the flex-start value before.

This time it aligns the items in the multi-line container to the start of the cross-axis.

Remember the default cross axis is from top-to-down.

Thus, the flex items are aligned to the top of the flex container.

(iii) Flex-end

The flex-end value aligns the flex items to the end of the cross-axis.

(iv) Center

Like you may have guessed, center aligns the flex-items to the center of the cross-axis.

That’s the last of the flex-container properties.

You now understand how to use the various flex-container properties.