

Dealing with Different Kinds of Actions

Dealing with Different Kinds of Actions

Learn how to add different actions using union and some TypeScript features.

Adding the Reset action

Earlier, we hinted that we might add a third type of action: the ability to Reset the counter back to zero. This action is much like the actions we saw at the beginning. It doesn’t need a payload. However, it might be tempting to do something like this:

Press + to interact
type CounterAction = {
type: 'Increment' | 'Decrement' | 'Reset';
payload: {
amount: number;

We’ll notice that TypeScript is again upset that we risk returning undefined from our reducer. We’ll handle that in a moment. But first, we should address the fact that Reset doesn’t need a payload.

We don’t want to have to write something like this:

let state = counterReducer({ count: 5 }, { type: 'Reset', { payload: { amount: 0 } } });

We might be tempted to make the payload optional by adding ...