

Overview of Merge Sort

Overview of Merge Sort

We'll cover the following...

Because we're using divide-and-conquer to sort, we need to decide what our subproblems are going to look like. The full problem is to sort an entire array. Let's say that a subproblem is to sort a subarray. In particular, we'll think of a subproblem as sorting the subarray starting at index p and going through index r. It will be convenient to have a notation for a subarray, so let's say that array[pr]array[p \cdots r] denotes this subarray of array. Note that this "three-dot" notation is not legal; we're using it just to describe the algorithm, rather than a particular implementation of the algorithm in code. In terms of our notation, for an array of nn elements, we can say that the original problem is to sort array[0n1]array[0 \cdots n-1].

Here's how merge sort uses divide-and-conquer:

  1. Divide by finding the number q of the position midway between p and r. Do this step the same way we found the midpoint in binary search: add p and r, divide by 22, and round down.

  2. Conquer by recursively sorting the subarrays in each of the two subproblems created by the divide step. That is, recursively sort the subarray array[pq]array[p \cdots q] and recursively sort the subarray array[q+1r]array[q+1 \cdots r].

  3. Combine by merging the two sorted subarrays back into the single sorted subarray array[pr]array[p \cdots r].

We need a base case. The base case is a subarray containing fewer than two elements, that is, when prp \geq r, since a subarray with no elements or just one element is already sorted. So we'll divide-conquer-combine only when p<rp \lt r.

Let's see an example. Let's start with array holding [14,7,3,12,9,11,6,2][14, 7, 3, 12, 9, 11, 6, 2], so that the first subarray is actually the full array, array[07]array[0 \cdots 7] (p = 0 and r = 7). This subarray has at least two elements, and so it's not a base case.

  • In the divide step, we compute q = 3.

  • The conquer step has us sort the two subarrays array[03]array[0 \cdots 3], which contains [14,7,3,12][14, 7, 3, 12], and array[47]array[4 \cdots 7], which contains [9,11,6,2][9, 11, 6, 2]. When we come back from the conquer step, each of the two subarrays is sorted: array[03]array[0 \cdots 3] contains [3,7,12,14][3, 7, 12, 14] and array[47]array[4 \cdots 7] contains [2,6,9,11][2, 6, 9, 11], so that the full array is [3,7,12,14,2,6,9,11][3, 7, 12, 14, 2, 6, 9, 11].

  • Finally, the combine step merges the two sorted subarrays in the first half and the second half, producing the final sorted array [2,3,6,7,9,11,12,14][2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14].

How did the subarray array[03]array[0 \cdots 3] become sorted? The same way. It has more than two elements, and so it's not a base case. With p = 0 and r = 3, compute q = 1, recursively sort array[01]array[0 \cdots 1] ([14,7][14, 7]) and array[23]array[2 \cdots 3] ([3,12][3, 12]), resulting in array[03]array[0 \cdots 3] containing [7,14,3,12][7, 14, 3, 12], and merge the first half with the second half, producing [3,7,12,14][3, 7, 12, 14].

How did the subarray array[01]array[0 \cdots 1] become sorted? With p = 0 and r = 1, compute q = 0, recursively sort array[00]array[0 \cdots 0] ([14][14]) and array[11]array[1 \cdots 1] ([7][7]), resulting in array[01]array[0 \cdots 1] still containing [14,7][14, 7], and merge the first half with the second half, producing [7,14][7, 14].

The subarrays array[00]array[0 \cdots 0] and array[11]array[1 \cdots 1] are base cases, since each contains fewer than two elements. Here is how the entire merge sort algorithm unfolds:

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