Analyzing a Channel's Data
Learn how to use data retrieved from the API for analysis.
We'll cover the following...
So far, we’ve seen how to integrate the API resources into a web app. We’ve looked at sending API requests, filtering the response, and using the data in a real-world app. In this lesson, we’ll look at another example of using the data from the API. Here, we have a pre-created dataset. We’ve extracted and created a sample dataset of the Educative Sessions YouTube channel.
Sample dataset
The dataset we’ll use is extracted from the Educative Sessions YouTube channel.
Let’s take a look at the dataset below. It contains the channel statistics and data for all the videos uploaded on the channel. The data is represented using key-value pairs. The UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw
key is the channel ID. It contains two objects: one for the channel data and one for video data. The channelData
object shows the channel statistics. The videoData
object has a separate key-value pair for every video, where the key is the video ID, and the value is video information and statistics.
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This would prove to a reoccurring theme, even when Sage \"failed\".\n\nLISTEN TO THE PODCAST:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and other platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nSage Elliott is a Machine Learning Developer Evangelist for Sixgill ( with over 10 years of experience in the engineering space. He has passion for exploring new technologies and building communities and likes helping people learn. To learn more about Sage, you can reach him at\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEp. 11: \"People are Awesome: Why You Shouldn't Fear Public Speaking\" with Sage Elliott of Sixgill | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","public speaking","anxiety","fear","stress","data science","artificial intelligence","machine learning","analytics","measurements","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#11: \"People are Awesome: Why You Shouldn't Fear Public Speaking\" with Sage Elliott | Educative","description": "Public speaking horrified Sage. 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To learn more about Sage, you can reach him at\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEp. 11: \"People are Awesome: Why You Shouldn't Fear Public Speaking\" with Sage Elliott of Sixgill | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M24S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "557","likeCount": "16","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "1"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "80mtuW7Js5Cwwm9BprES3ERYbic","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "ncHAze29dRTFmxZcVHXY3oS3wFI","id": "UgxKhWClMD9kzRVnDtp4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "isDYaB3VxfE","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "8ByBuZ_bQOFWx3vkGtEveOoDd3s","id": "UgxKhWClMD9kzRVnDtp4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "isDYaB3VxfE","textDisplay": "This is the start of a new comment thread.","textOriginal": "This is the start of a new comment thread.","authorDisplayName": "Manahil Shehzad","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UC4vsDT3Vex3fqcOoozrn3NQ"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 0,"publishedAt": "2021-09-29T06:33:37Z","updatedAt": "2021-09-29T06:33:37Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}}]}},"Q7J5qrcPyns": {"items": [{"id": "Q7J5qrcPyns","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-09-20T12:00:09Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#77: \"Learning Code by Giving Back\" with Chibuike Nwachukwu of Spleet Africa | Educative Sessions","description": "When Chibuike Nwachukwu began his programming journey in college, it was really difficult for him to find his path. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 77: \"Learning Code by Giving Back\" with Chibuike Nwachukwu of Spleet Africa | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#77: \"Learning Code by Giving Back\" with Chibuike Nwachukwu of Spleet Africa | Educative Sessions","description": "When Chibuike Nwachukwu began his programming journey in college, it was really difficult for him to find his path. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 77: \"Learning Code by Giving Back\" with Chibuike Nwachukwu of Spleet Africa | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT12M54S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "138","likeCount": "25","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "18"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "32t_Xam5I_aYaGAnlu0nbOv384M","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 9,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "MNuqjajHnalVo4s-QZuBQj3ud9w","id": "Ugy2vrLMh_Z0ZtCIXgh4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "Q7J5qrcPyns","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "OqacruDU7Xk4nOqNA6qPGo73yEM","id": "Ugy2vrLMh_Z0ZtCIXgh4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "Q7J5qrcPyns","textDisplay": "I thoroughly enjoyed watching this, thank you Chibuike!","textOriginal": "I thoroughly enjoyed watching this, thank you Chibuike!","authorDisplayName": "Daphnie Ozioma","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UC0c5sQDASb02ISwSwF2hqkw"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 2,"publishedAt": "2021-09-28T10:54:43Z","updatedAt": "2021-09-28T10:54:43Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 1,"isPublic": true},"replies": {"comments": [{"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "Aa2yP5lA894x08eQqiJUjzRtykM","id": "Ugy2vrLMh_Z0ZtCIXgh4AaABAg.9SpiTLNeWo69SqxIeZhocO","snippet": {"videoId": "Q7J5qrcPyns","textDisplay": "Thanks Daphnie, loved your session too!","textOriginal": "Thanks Daphnie, loved your session too!","parentId": "Ugy2vrLMh_Z0ZtCIXgh4AaABAg","authorDisplayName": "Chibuike Nwachukwu","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCppoWfvSpl-fr_4ry6SZNvg"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 0,"publishedAt": "2021-09-28T22:23:34Z","updatedAt": "2021-09-28T22:23:34Z"}}]}},{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "CbKQtO92iGRT0C66hImEtkdwpMo","id": "UgzOQAo5CjJsfZilYbJ4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "Q7J5qrcPyns","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "smFKmX2NOoP87X6td2P2rwTSJ6k","id": "UgzOQAo5CjJsfZilYbJ4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "Q7J5qrcPyns","textDisplay": "This is impressive. <br>I have always known Chibuike as a colleague and a friend that is passionate about learning, about impacting knowledge, and about making a difference. 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Here are highlights from most of those episodes and a call for anyone to join us for our next run of Sessions! Thank you for your support!\n\n- Lee @ Educative\n\nThanks to all our guests (in alphabetical order)\nNavira Abbasi\nDaniele Bernardi\nGreg Bulmash\nDamien Cavaill\u00e8s\nAlex Cherednichenko\nIvette Cortez\nHunter Davis\nSage Elliott\nSusan Fung\nDavid Garrison\nCharles Givre\nWendy Grus\nCrystal Humphries \nTimirah James\nTaimur Khan\nJacob Knopf\nSydney Lai\nJosh Lucas\nScott McAllister\nGraham McBain\nDomonique Meeks\nTessa Mero\nWal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9\nDawn Parzych\nJennifer Pham\nEwelina Prockow\nDawn Saquin\nKenlyn Terai\nNicholas Walsh\nAlexander Wyrick\nAllie Zhang\n\nEDUCATIVE TEAM\n\nProduction Team\nHost / Director / Editor - Lee Ngo\nProducer - Candice Lee\n\nContributing Staff\nAzzam Aijazi\nJayson Castillo\nAmanda Fawcett\nCeleste Saloptek\nTalha Shabbir\nBrandon Suzuki\nRyan Thelin\nAaron Xie\n\nExecutive Producers\nFahim ul-Haq\nCecilia Cayetano\nJohn Krass\n\nWatch the Season 2 Recap \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nApply to Speak at Season 3 \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nSubscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nListen to the podcast HERE: \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE \n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nVisit Educative! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nSeason One (1) Recap | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "Season One Recap | Educative Sessions","description": "In our first run of Educative Sessions, we finished 31 episodes over a period of 3 months! Here are highlights from most of those episodes and a call for anyone to join us for our next run of Sessions! Thank you for your support!\n\n- Lee @ Educative\n\nThanks to all our guests (in alphabetical order)\nNavira Abbasi\nDaniele Bernardi\nGreg Bulmash\nDamien Cavaill\u00e8s\nAlex Cherednichenko\nIvette Cortez\nHunter Davis\nSage Elliott\nSusan Fung\nDavid Garrison\nCharles Givre\nWendy Grus\nCrystal Humphries \nTimirah James\nTaimur Khan\nJacob Knopf\nSydney Lai\nJosh Lucas\nScott McAllister\nGraham McBain\nDomonique Meeks\nTessa Mero\nWal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9\nDawn Parzych\nJennifer Pham\nEwelina Prockow\nDawn Saquin\nKenlyn Terai\nNicholas Walsh\nAlexander Wyrick\nAllie Zhang\n\nEDUCATIVE TEAM\n\nProduction Team\nHost / Director / Editor - Lee Ngo\nProducer - Candice Lee\n\nContributing Staff\nAzzam Aijazi\nJayson Castillo\nAmanda Fawcett\nCeleste Saloptek\nTalha Shabbir\nBrandon Suzuki\nRyan Thelin\nAaron Xie\n\nExecutive Producers\nFahim ul-Haq\nCecilia Cayetano\nJohn Krass\n\nWatch the Season 2 Recap \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nApply to Speak at Season 3 \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nSubscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nListen to the podcast HERE: \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE \n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nVisit Educative! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nSeason One (1) Recap | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT4M58S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "1114","likeCount": "23","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"9maORXuCBHk": {"items": [{"id": "9maORXuCBHk","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-06-14T15:00:10Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#63: \"#LearnInPublic & The Career Coding Handbook\" with Shawn Wang aka swyx | Educative Sessions","description": "Before Shawn Wang became @swyx, he worked in finance in Singapore, eventually realizing that the most interesting aspects of his work were ... based in code. 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You can find him on Twitter at @swyx.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 63: \"#LearnInPublic & The Career Coding Handbook\" with Shawn Wang aka swyx | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","shawn wang","#learninpublic","learn in public","career coding handbook","author","swyx"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#63: \"#LearnInPublic & The Career Coding Handbook\" with Shawn Wang aka swyx | Educative Sessions","description": "Before Shawn Wang became @swyx, he worked in finance in Singapore, eventually realizing that the most interesting aspects of his work were ... based in code. 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You can find him on Twitter at @swyx.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 63: \"#LearnInPublic & The Career Coding Handbook\" with Shawn Wang aka swyx | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M30S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "127","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "2"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "vzKYzo2E5Aej3dIpRZU3hVFhPN8","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "jJzV4m5I6M4lLTBInzV7ZCvpJf4","id": "UgxWTJWD83dmnu9nZJl4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "9maORXuCBHk","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "EUNnekTOl8-YVTEic833P-0EVWc","id": "UgxWTJWD83dmnu9nZJl4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "9maORXuCBHk","textDisplay": "hey thanks for having me! comment here if you want me to see it!","textOriginal": "hey thanks for having me! comment here if you want me to see it!","authorDisplayName": "swyx","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCzJpE2zKwAFZ8JwMerlNquw"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 1,"publishedAt": "2021-06-14T17:52:05Z","updatedAt": "2021-06-14T17:52:05Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 1,"isPublic": true},"replies": {"comments": [{"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "R0qf2aUxBcuExSEdY4fyajziV08","id": "UgxWTJWD83dmnu9nZJl4AaABAg.9O_WyQGTjCh9O_fwBGpFvP","snippet": {"videoId": "9maORXuCBHk","textDisplay": "Appreciate you being on the show, @swyx! 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Learn more about this vibrant community of software developers at\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 66: \"How Non-Fiction Made Me Learn to Code\" with Divine Odazie of | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#66: \"How Non-Fiction Made Me a Coder\" with Divine Odazie of | Educative Sessions","description": "Divine Odazie started learning to code during his gap year before university, but Learning to code wasn\u2019t rosy for Divine, from using a laptop that lasted 30 minutes without power to keeping late nights to access cheap internet. 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Learn more about this vibrant community of software developers at\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 66: \"How Non-Fiction Made Me Learn to Code\" with Divine Odazie of | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M42S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "92","likeCount": "13","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "8"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "vCLnptv3Alt2j_bPJ69G2ClhrEA","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 7,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "4EM8GFVQF682rh7ksZLjcgjBr8g","id": "UgxU9t06aIDXSCuJABR4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "ejM435n8JBE","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "WZKVuHlckm9n56rJwgz82VTycsg","id": "UgxU9t06aIDXSCuJABR4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "ejM435n8JBE","textDisplay": "I can totally relate with him. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 60: \u201cProgramming is a process. Let it come to you!\u201d with Saad Akbar of Tintash | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#60: \u201cProgramming is a process. Let it come to you!\u201d with Saad Akbar of Tintash | Educative Sessions","description": "Saad Akbar used to think of himself as a very bad programmer. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 60: \u201cProgramming is a process. Let it come to you!\u201d with Saad Akbar of Tintash | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT14M11S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "616","likeCount": "21","dislikeCount": "1","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "1"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "5pw1BBYfH7Fyx_KE9gZJBYWUybw","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "bhnJ1CTyLR7-ZpZkUsJA2Jl0MxQ","id": "UgzWhWh8wCapDYgEbsp4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "Sw8YMj5Ebhk","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "opFfxa7B5BPS7FC9_3ZeF7XhjVc","id": "UgzWhWh8wCapDYgEbsp4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "Sw8YMj5Ebhk","textDisplay": "Great initiative! Best wishes to you and your team Lee! \ud83e\udd29","textOriginal": "Great initiative! 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 70: \"Accidentally Into Code\" with Daphnie Ozioma of Flexisaf | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M32S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "298","likeCount": "41","dislikeCount": "2","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "29"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "oOaNQJ6frcy6u8BEhzA3JAaphv4","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 19,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "ktMbGY-aiexZl2UxI62I5yR7GvA","id": "UgwBIUw1C0J9RnSg27t4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "u4eWk6PsEAPdLsINT1iMxfv6fSU","id": "UgwBIUw1C0J9RnSg27t4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","textDisplay": "So inspiring! \ud83d\udd25","textOriginal": "So inspiring! \ud83d\udd25","authorDisplayName": "Chibuike Nwachukwu","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCppoWfvSpl-fr_4ry6SZNvg"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 5,"publishedAt": "2021-08-27T10:38:17Z","updatedAt": "2021-08-27T10:38:17Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 1,"isPublic": true},"replies": {"comments": [{"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "YCen5VfaJfrxuXwXmOYW-Q13axA","id": "UgwBIUw1C0J9RnSg27t4AaABAg.9RYI9--VWMB9RYrIa4nFlQ","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","textDisplay": "Wait until you see what we have in store next! =)","textOriginal": "Wait until you see what we have in store next! =)","parentId": "UgwBIUw1C0J9RnSg27t4AaABAg","authorDisplayName": "Educative Sessions","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 0,"publishedAt": "2021-08-27T15:54:10Z","updatedAt": "2021-08-27T15:54:10Z"}}]}},{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "qKrNWiHjJKZQ_eMVz8njwwF4T1k","id": "UgztHabl_W19eaGQeaR4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "c5CPXBfeijy4AQECs8EIYYQp7B4","id": "UgztHabl_W19eaGQeaR4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","textDisplay": "The way her face lights up when she speak, you can she really loves tech.","textOriginal": "The way her face lights up when she speak, you can she really loves tech.","authorDisplayName": "Onyinyechukwu Okpara","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UC0w3J1WNe8RM8b8cWs1sAEQ"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 2,"publishedAt": "2021-08-05T08:59:13Z","updatedAt": "2021-08-05T08:59:13Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}},{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "KtQfzXDnqU89kSMLVQUGnG-6gFs","id": "Ugy2b0h38VqL9An_qfJ4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "6fd8_DY1NcJVJfVKY8b2Or_1620","id": "Ugy2b0h38VqL9An_qfJ4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","textDisplay": "I love her passion and fluency.","textOriginal": "I love her passion and fluency.","authorDisplayName": "Onyinyechukwu Okpara","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UC0w3J1WNe8RM8b8cWs1sAEQ"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 1,"publishedAt": "2021-08-05T08:50:55Z","updatedAt": "2021-08-05T08:50:55Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}},{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "Nk2QLOaMm2zO27h_wjjbmxjM8bs","id": "UgwELN90EvLnPECuoY54AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "yQQqA2Co_pUARr91kIbfdrV_4Ws","id": "UgwELN90EvLnPECuoY54AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","textDisplay": "Go girl\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f.","textOriginal": "Go girl\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f.","authorDisplayName": "Okpara Elizabeth","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UC8gw8gBN-OC1NNUJ4CB-t2A"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 3,"publishedAt": "2021-08-03T16:47:46Z","updatedAt": "2021-08-03T16:47:46Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 1,"isPublic": true},"replies": {"comments": [{"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "W8lsyBOhOn9VFGBdUcQtQlkgyLM","id": "UgwELN90EvLnPECuoY54AaABAg.9Qa9MBgwZsv9QaBrU-aofB","snippet": {"videoId": "HwwbvtniogI","textDisplay": "Thank you mummy. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #65: \"Curing Programmer's Disease\" with Randy Hayes of House Chaos Games | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT11M21S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "67","likeCount": "7","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"vK5qycRgf1Q": {"items": [{"id": "vK5qycRgf1Q","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-04-15T05:35:29Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#61: \"{Re}-Discovering My Passion for Programming\" with Hakon Verespej | Educative Sessions","description": "Hakon Verespej was living the software developer's dream. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #61: \"{Re}-Discovering My Passion for Programming\" with Hakon Verespej | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#61: \"{Re}-Discovering My Passion for Programming\" with Hakon Verespej | Educative Sessions","description": "Hakon Verespej was living the software developer's dream. 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Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #61: \"{Re}-Discovering My Passion for Programming\" with Hakon Verespej | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M35S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "148","likeCount": "8","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"tfN4e5E7XUE": {"items": [{"id": "tfN4e5E7XUE","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-04-05T07:00:13Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#58: \"PuPPys Welcome! 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In this Session, he wants to outline his thoughts on making candidates succeed in terms of delivering value to organizations and how to make interviewees stand out.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nCharles Givre is the co-founder and CEO of DataDistillR. Previously, Charles led engineering teams at JP Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank and Booz Allen Hamilton. Charles is passionate about teaching data science and analytic skills and has classes all over the world at conferences, universities and for clients. He is the co-author of the O'Reilly book, Learning Apache Drill.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. We are changing how developers continue their education and stay relevant by providing pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nEpisode 25: \"Let's break down the data science hiring process, shall we?\" with Charles Givre | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","data science","hiring","best practices","interviews","data science interview","team building"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#25: \"Let's break down the data science hiring process!\" with Charles Givre | Educative Sessions","description": "Charles Givre has personally interviewed dozens of aspiring data science candidates throughout his career. In this Session, he wants to outline his thoughts on making candidates succeed in terms of delivering value to organizations and how to make interviewees stand out.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nCharles Givre is the co-founder and CEO of DataDistillR. Previously, Charles led engineering teams at JP Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank and Booz Allen Hamilton. Charles is passionate about teaching data science and analytic skills and has classes all over the world at conferences, universities and for clients. He is the co-author of the O'Reilly book, Learning Apache Drill.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. We are changing how developers continue their education and stay relevant by providing pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nEpisode 25: \"Let's break down the data science hiring process, shall we?\" with Charles Givre | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M55S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "34","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"JadS87KX2q0": {"items": [{"id": "JadS87KX2q0","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-12T01:36:44Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#6: \u201cI flunked out of a bootcamp. Now I'm one of its directors.\u201d with Navira Abbasi | Educative","description": "Navira Abbasi flunked out of Hack Reactor by failing the midterm technical test. Instead of doing the part-time remote program, she repeated the entire program and graduated. In less than two years, Navira became their Director of Evangelism. Join us as we hear her story of stubbornness, resilience, and discovering her own sense of self-worth.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nNavira Abbasi is currently the Director of Evangelism for Galvanize, serving as its brand ambassador for local technology learning communities in data science and web development. Her mission is to understand the needs of people and translate that insight into a solution or an experience that feels bespoke to the individual or organization.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE \n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 6: \u201cI flunked out of a bootcamp. Now I'm one of its directors.\u201d with Navira Abbasi of Galvanize | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","coding","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","podcast","speaker","talk","talk show","bootcamp","galvanize","hack reactor","motherhood","learning to code","coding school","coding education","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#6: \u201cI flunked out of a bootcamp. Now I'm one of its directors.\u201d with Navira Abbasi | Educative","description": "Navira Abbasi flunked out of Hack Reactor by failing the midterm technical test. Instead of doing the part-time remote program, she repeated the entire program and graduated. In less than two years, Navira became their Director of Evangelism. Join us as we hear her story of stubbornness, resilience, and discovering her own sense of self-worth.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nNavira Abbasi is currently the Director of Evangelism for Galvanize, serving as its brand ambassador for local technology learning communities in data science and web development. Her mission is to understand the needs of people and translate that insight into a solution or an experience that feels bespoke to the individual or organization.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE \n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 6: \u201cI flunked out of a bootcamp. Now I'm one of its directors.\u201d with Navira Abbasi of Galvanize | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M24S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "139","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"Ax2oaBZ2MGs": {"items": [{"id": "Ax2oaBZ2MGs","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-07T01:24:08Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#2: \u201cThis is crazy. YOU are crazy!\u201d with Daniele Bernardi of Twitter | Educative Sessions","description": "Back when Daniele Bernardi was studying computer science in high school, he loved to see how far one could push the limits of technology. Operating under strict rules and a well defined program, however, Daniele's teachers thought he was genuinely crazy. Join us as as we hear how a series of rejections earned Daniele a career with some of the most sought-after tech companies.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDaniele Bernardi is part of the Developer Relations team at Twitter. Daniele\u2019s passion and job is to inspire developers all over the world to create the best Twitter API integrations that can in turn raise the bar for the entire ecosystem. Daniele speaks three languages, and he will never say no to pictures of cute cats.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 2: \u201cThis is crazy. YOU are crazy!\u201d with Daniele Bernardi of Twitter | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","twitter","education","grokking","educative sessions","learning to code","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Product","Frontend","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","coding","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","devrel","developer relations","developer evangelism","evangelism","technology","community development","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#2: \u201cThis is crazy. 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Daniele speaks three languages, and he will never say no to pictures of cute cats.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 2: \u201cThis is crazy. YOU are crazy!\u201d with Daniele Bernardi of Twitter | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT20M39S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "107","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"EUXA5GRpYw0": {"items": [{"id": "EUXA5GRpYw0","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-07-19T15:00:10Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#68: \"User Experience Done Right\" with Alix Han, Veteran UX Designer | Educative Sessions","description": "Imagine working in a world where everyone thinks of themselves as design critics and don't understand what you do as a user experience designer. 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To learn more about Alix, check out \n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 68: \"User Experience Done Right\" with Veteran UX Designer Alix Han | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#68: \"User Experience Done Right\" with Alix Han, Veteran UX Designer | Educative Sessions","description": "Imagine working in a world where everyone thinks of themselves as design critics and don't understand what you do as a user experience designer. 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To learn more about Alix, check out \n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 68: \"User Experience Done Right\" with Veteran UX Designer Alix Han | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT10M42S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "107","likeCount": "10","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"4RYX7EptfMI": {"items": [{"id": "4RYX7EptfMI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-26T00:21:27Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#45: \"Computer Science for the Greater Good\" with Jake Bell of | Educative Sessions","description": "Technology can help solve the greatest challenges we face but only the most privileged are given the opportunity to learn to create their own solutions. 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He started his career in international relations working at Columbia University's East Asian Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S. State Department, and the White House.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 45: \"Computer Science for the Greater Good\" with Jake Bell of | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","","nonprofit","public service","white house","international relations"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#45: \"Computer Science for the Greater Good\" with Jake Bell of | Educative Sessions","description": "Technology can help solve the greatest challenges we face but only the most privileged are given the opportunity to learn to create their own solutions. 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He started his career in international relations working at Columbia University's East Asian Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S. State Department, and the White House.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 45: \"Computer Science for the Greater Good\" with Jake Bell of | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M23S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "64","likeCount": "6","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"ud3yST_f0qQ": {"items": [{"id": "ud3yST_f0qQ","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-08-16T12:00:10Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#72: \"Stumbling into Dev Management\" with James Stanier of Shopify | Educative Sessions","description": "Dr. James Stanier never intended to become a manager, let alone a Director or VP. He certainly never intended to publish a book about it either! Dr. Stanier shares his story from doing a Ph.D. to failing to get an academic job to joining a start-up which grew rapidly through numerous venture capital investment rounds. After reading lots of books on management in the \"business\" world, he applied what he knew to help shape the Engineering department at Brandwatch and now Shopify.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDr. James Stanier is (soon to be) Director of Engineering @ Shopify, and before that was SVP Engineering at Brandwatch. He runs and has published Become An Effective Software Engineering Manager with Pragmatic Programmers, which will soon be a course on Educative. There's another book on remote working in the works too.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #72: \"Stumbling into Dev Management\" with James Stanier of Shopify | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#72: \"Stumbling into Dev Management\" with James Stanier of Shopify | Educative Sessions","description": "Dr. James Stanier never intended to become a manager, let alone a Director or VP. He certainly never intended to publish a book about it either! Dr. Stanier shares his story from doing a Ph.D. to failing to get an academic job to joining a start-up which grew rapidly through numerous venture capital investment rounds. After reading lots of books on management in the \"business\" world, he applied what he knew to help shape the Engineering department at Brandwatch and now Shopify.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDr. James Stanier is (soon to be) Director of Engineering @ Shopify, and before that was SVP Engineering at Brandwatch. He runs and has published Become An Effective Software Engineering Manager with Pragmatic Programmers, which will soon be a course on Educative. There's another book on remote working in the works too.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #72: \"Stumbling into Dev Management\" with James Stanier of Shopify | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M19S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "49","likeCount": "5","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"QY0JXAMwF-Q": {"items": [{"id": "QY0JXAMwF-Q","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-13T07:53:04Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#40: \"Why Developers Should Blog: The Importance of Side Projects\" with Tapas Adhikary","description": "From Tapas Adhikary's experience, most of the developers got the 'main job' for earning and supporting their families. They are often so involved in their work that they stop living their passion, and in turn, learning gets stagnant. To Tapas, sharing knowledge through blogging and other side projects is an integral part of the personal development process.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nTapas Adhikary is a technology blogger and public speaker. His interests lie in web application development, sharing knowledge about it and, mentoring software developers. He has 16+ years of experience in software development and building productive teams. He regularly contributes to his blog\u00a0and\ Tapas is a passionate mentor who shares software engineering, career & web app development tips on Twitter and 1-1.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 40: \"Why Developers Should Blog: The Importance of Side Projects\" with Tapas Adhikary of Microfocus | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#40: \"Why Developers Should Blog: The Importance of Side Projects\" with Tapas Adhikary","description": "From Tapas Adhikary's experience, most of the developers got the 'main job' for earning and supporting their families. They are often so involved in their work that they stop living their passion, and in turn, learning gets stagnant. To Tapas, sharing knowledge through blogging and other side projects is an integral part of the personal development process.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nTapas Adhikary is a technology blogger and public speaker. His interests lie in web application development, sharing knowledge about it and, mentoring software developers. He has 16+ years of experience in software development and building productive teams. He regularly contributes to his blog\u00a0and\ Tapas is a passionate mentor who shares software engineering, career & web app development tips on Twitter and 1-1.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 40: \"Why Developers Should Blog: The Importance of Side Projects\" with Tapas Adhikary of Microfocus | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M44S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "43","likeCount": "4","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"7Bh_7jfv9RA": {"items": [{"id": "7Bh_7jfv9RA","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-10T19:25:54Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#47: \"Keep calm, and try it on!\" with Soundarya Ramakrishnan of Microsoft | Educative Sessions","description": "Soundarya Ramakrishnan is one of many people who live with imposter syndrome in the tech industry. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 47: \"Keep calm, and try it on!\" with Soundarya Ramakrishnan of Microsoft | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","microsoft","impostor syndrome"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#47: \"Keep calm, and try it on!\" with Soundarya Ramakrishnan of Microsoft | Educative Sessions","description": "Soundarya Ramakrishnan is one of many people who live with imposter syndrome in the tech industry. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 47: \"Keep calm, and try it on!\" with Soundarya Ramakrishnan of Microsoft | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT14M1S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "262","likeCount": "9","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"5ZsjCEdz5Tc": {"items": [{"id": "5ZsjCEdz5Tc","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-12-03T02:58:37Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#27: \"Thrown into the Deep End: Inheriting Legacy Code\" with David Garrison | Educative Sessions","description": "On three separate occasions, David Garrison has joined a team and, within a few months, has ended up as the most senior person on that team. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions: \n\n\nEpisode 27: \"Thrown into the Deep End: Inheriting Legacy Code\" with David Garrison of Quote Wizard | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","data engineering","data","documentation","legacy code","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#27: \"Thrown into the Deep End: Inheriting Legacy Code\" with David Garrison | Educative Sessions","description": "On three separate occasions, David Garrison has joined a team and, within a few months, has ended up as the most senior person on that team. For better or worse, David has had to learn how to dig into old projects with minimal documentation and no one to ask what this weird piece of logic does and why everything breaks when it's changed.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDavid Garrison (they/them) is a Data Engineer, currently specializing in Azure and Snowflake databases and pipelines. They started out as a mathematician and scientist before finding their way into database work for a variety of industries ranging from International trade regulations, to Bible software, to insurance lead generation. \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions: \n\n\nEpisode 27: \"Thrown into the Deep End: Inheriting Legacy Code\" with David Garrison of Quote Wizard | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M1S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "211","likeCount": "9","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"ySk-lDSJhJw": {"items": [{"id": "ySk-lDSJhJw","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-01-25T02:26:47Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#34: \"Staying Fit in the Developer World\" with John Lyon-Smith of Amazon | Educative Sessions","description": "As a software developer manager, John Lyon-Smith wants to share an important concern with his team and the developer community at large: are you exercising enough? 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Aside from working at Microsoft and Amazon, he has worked at over a dozen start-ups of all shapes and sizes, both early and late stage, with and without VC funding.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 34: \"Staying Fit in the Developer World\" with John Lyon-Smith of Amazon | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#34: \"Staying Fit in the Developer World\" with John Lyon-Smith of Amazon | Educative Sessions","description": "As a software developer manager, John Lyon-Smith wants to share an important concern with his team and the developer community at large: are you exercising enough? 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Aside from working at Microsoft and Amazon, he has worked at over a dozen start-ups of all shapes and sizes, both early and late stage, with and without VC funding.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 34: \"Staying Fit in the Developer World\" with John Lyon-Smith of Amazon | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M28S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "91","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"9mq5uFJcyjw": {"items": [{"id": "9mq5uFJcyjw","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-12-13T17:48:34Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#28: \"Always Check Your Defaults\" with Hunter Davis of RealSelf | Educative Sessions","description": "Long ago a much younger engineer was fresh out of college and writing software for a manufacturing company whose machines cut wings for stealth bombers. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions: \n\n\nEpisode 28: \"Thrown into the Deep End: Inheriting Legacy Code\" with David Garrison of Quote Wizard | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","defaults","debugging","tech support","engineering","wisdom","realself"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#28: \"Always Check Your Defaults\" with Hunter Davis of RealSelf | Educative Sessions","description": "Long ago a much younger engineer was fresh out of college and writing software for a manufacturing company whose machines cut wings for stealth bombers. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions: \n\n\nEpisode 28: \"Thrown into the Deep End: Inheriting Legacy Code\" with David Garrison of Quote Wizard | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M55S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "160","likeCount": "12","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "2"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "kU_tRKcS0a6bQiWLIiNWtQb74bE","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "FoxoFS06MDFSFyTfY-MpjLjj-NI","id": "UgxyOnky5jjmlAjpB5J4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "9mq5uFJcyjw","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "q0TMNA09mnIuCpZgpBeWMsVu98E","id": "UgxyOnky5jjmlAjpB5J4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "9mq5uFJcyjw","textDisplay": "Painfully great episode. :D Been whacked several times in the past myself, so I can relate. You could also likely say "check your assumptions" as well.","textOriginal": "Painfully great episode. :D Been whacked several times in the past myself, so I can relate. You could also likely say \"check your assumptions\" as well.","authorDisplayName": "dagallgray","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UC8_LGA6Bcz-BGrBS4Z6i54w"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 1,"publishedAt": "2020-12-15T19:01:36Z","updatedAt": "2020-12-15T19:01:36Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 1,"isPublic": true},"replies": {"comments": [{"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "W30L03rNm3Qml3f9kU8xWbDG8Q4","id": "UgxyOnky5jjmlAjpB5J4AaABAg.9HIa2Hq4XkW9HIeuGqM4re","snippet": {"videoId": "9mq5uFJcyjw","textDisplay": "Thank you so much for watching! Glad you were able to relate and empathize with Hunter's experiences!","textOriginal": "Thank you so much for watching! Glad you were able to relate and empathize with Hunter's experiences!","parentId": "UgxyOnky5jjmlAjpB5J4AaABAg","authorDisplayName": "Educative Sessions","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 1,"publishedAt": "2020-12-15T19:44:04Z","updatedAt": "2020-12-15T19:44:04Z"}}]}}]}},"Nlk4p_5z9GY": {"items": [{"id": "Nlk4p_5z9GY","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-10T20:12:33Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#49: \"Creating Safe Communities, the Indie Gamer Way\" with Angel Mero | Educative Sessions","description": "Angel Mero became a community manager back in 2016, jumping into the pool without even dipping her toes in. After she got comfortable in the role, she got involved with the indie game development scene. Angel fit right in as a gamer, but what was it like for her being in the video game industry as a half-Asian female? Angel shares her passion for growing indies community and thoughts on how to do inclusivity and support the right way.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nAngel Mero (she/her) is one of the community managers of the Seattle Independent Developers and an avid video gamer.\u00a0\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 49: \"Creating Safe Communities, the Indie Gamer Way\" with Angel Mero | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#49: \"Creating Safe Communities, the Indie Gamer Way\" with Angel Mero | Educative Sessions","description": "Angel Mero became a community manager back in 2016, jumping into the pool without even dipping her toes in. After she got comfortable in the role, she got involved with the indie game development scene. Angel fit right in as a gamer, but what was it like for her being in the video game industry as a half-Asian female? Angel shares her passion for growing indies community and thoughts on how to do inclusivity and support the right way.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nAngel Mero (she/her) is one of the community managers of the Seattle Independent Developers and an avid video gamer.\u00a0\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 49: \"Creating Safe Communities, the Indie Gamer Way\" with Angel Mero | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M51S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "74","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"u9RspXeuZj4": {"items": [{"id": "u9RspXeuZj4","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-08-09T12:00:10Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#71: \"I Bought a School Bus to Learn Code\" with Roxanne Agerone of Salesforce | Educative Sessions","description": "Roxanne Agerone went from working in chemistry to working in software over the course of the year. 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Roxanne landed a job with Tableau and now works for Salesforce.\u00a0\u00a0\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 71: \"I Bought a School Bus to Learn Code\" with Roxanne Agerone of Salesforce | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software","salesforce","school bus","ada developers academy"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#71: \"I Bought a School Bus to Learn Code\" with Roxanne Agerone of Salesforce | Educative Sessions","description": "Roxanne Agerone went from working in chemistry to working in software over the course of the year. 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Roxanne landed a job with Tableau and now works for Salesforce.\u00a0\u00a0\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 71: \"I Bought a School Bus to Learn Code\" with Roxanne Agerone of Salesforce | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT10M49S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "143","likeCount": "6","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"dz9PGoYR7N8": {"items": [{"id": "dz9PGoYR7N8","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-05T09:03:54Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#37: \"From Job-Seeking to Coaching Job Seekers\" with Jolie Brown of Placement | Educative Sessions","description": "Early in her career, Jolie Brown listened to her parents, who were all about racking up degrees. 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They use content, workshops, job seeking software, and the human touch of working with a talent agent. \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 37: \"From Job-Seeking to Coaching Job Seekers\" with Jolie Brown of Placement | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#37: \"From Job-Seeking to Coaching Job Seekers\" with Jolie Brown of Placement | Educative Sessions","description": "Early in her career, Jolie Brown listened to her parents, who were all about racking up degrees. 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They use content, workshops, job seeking software, and the human touch of working with a talent agent. \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 37: \"From Job-Seeking to Coaching Job Seekers\" with Jolie Brown of Placement | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT11M40S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "100","likeCount": "8","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"wMbfyqUyxnI": {"items": [{"id": "wMbfyqUyxnI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-24T21:46:15Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#51: \"An Uzbek Woman's Path to Data Science\" with Sally Mitrofanov of Microsoft | Educative Sessions","description": "Sally Mitrofanov started in America from as an Uzbekistan immigrant tenth-grader without any idea what to do with her life or how to navigate the college system in a new country. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #51: \"An Uzbek Woman's Path to Data Science\" with Sally Mitrofanov of Microsoft | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#51: \"An Uzbek Woman's Path to Data Science\" with Sally Mitrofanov of Microsoft | Educative Sessions","description": "Sally Mitrofanov started in America from as an Uzbekistan immigrant tenth-grader without any idea what to do with her life or how to navigate the college system in a new country. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #51: \"An Uzbek Woman's Path to Data Science\" with Sally Mitrofanov of Microsoft | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT12M3S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "29","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"hvGmHu0QVJs": {"items": [{"id": "hvGmHu0QVJs","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-09-13T12:00:14Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#76: \"Making a Bilingual C++ Blog a Success\" with Rainer Grimm of Modernes C++ | Educative Sessions","description": "Rainer Grimm loves to teach and explain modern C++. 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Due to his profession, Rainer always searches for the best way to teach modern C++.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 76: \"Making a Bilingual C++ Blog a Success\" with Rainer Grimm of Modernes C++ | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#76: \"Making a Bilingual C++ Blog a Success\" with Rainer Grimm of Modernes C++ | Educative Sessions","description": "Rainer Grimm loves to teach and explain modern C++. 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Due to his profession, Rainer always searches for the best way to teach modern C++.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 76: \"Making a Bilingual C++ Blog a Success\" with Rainer Grimm of Modernes C++ | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT12M29S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "69","likeCount": "8","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "1"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "JxtAYN8_XW5ae2dPHN7El8zu5wY","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "iaz0DGgJUznKau0wttgwOC9J7zs","id": "UgyrDCQSODhi5-heQN14AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "hvGmHu0QVJs","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "csd_vmQf3GAtxcldSD8SLL-1QP0","id": "UgyrDCQSODhi5-heQN14AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "hvGmHu0QVJs","textDisplay": "Nice information.....\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f","textOriginal": "Nice information.....\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f","authorDisplayName": "viplav k video","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCTtLKy1-vU0k7BfCJq4oEUQ"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 0,"publishedAt": "2021-09-14T09:32:31Z","updatedAt": "2021-09-14T09:32:31Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}}]}},"vT_3SKuCZuk": {"items": [{"id": "vT_3SKuCZuk","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-10T19:50:27Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#48: \"Climbing the Rugged Terrain of Tech in America\" with Igor Packo | Educative Sessions","description": "When Igor Packo decided to move to the U.S. from Europe to start a new life with his wife Dawn Saquin, he thought he would have an easy time as someone pursuing a career in tech. Instead, his journey to finding a job took years of paperwork, interview prep, and adjusting for living standards and culture. Learn about the barriers and added burdens of applying for tech work as an immigrant in this session.\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast here:\n(Also available on most major platforms)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nIgor Packo is a software engineer with F5 Networks, based in Seattle, Washington. Originally from Slovakia, he is an avid outdoors person, often getting lost somewhere in a nearby mountain but fully confident he will make his way back home.\u00a0\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\u00a0\n\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\u00a0\n\nEpisode 48: \"Climbing the Rugged Terrain of Tech in America\" with Igor Packo of F5 Networks | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#48: \"Climbing the Rugged Terrain of Tech in America\" with Igor Packo | Educative Sessions","description": "When Igor Packo decided to move to the U.S. from Europe to start a new life with his wife Dawn Saquin, he thought he would have an easy time as someone pursuing a career in tech. Instead, his journey to finding a job took years of paperwork, interview prep, and adjusting for living standards and culture. Learn about the barriers and added burdens of applying for tech work as an immigrant in this session.\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast here:\n(Also available on most major platforms)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nIgor Packo is a software engineer with F5 Networks, based in Seattle, Washington. Originally from Slovakia, he is an avid outdoors person, often getting lost somewhere in a nearby mountain but fully confident he will make his way back home.\u00a0\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\u00a0\n\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\u00a0\n\nEpisode 48: \"Climbing the Rugged Terrain of Tech in America\" with Igor Packo of F5 Networks | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M46S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "80","likeCount": "5","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"XQs8Dc28zdY": {"items": [{"id": "XQs8Dc28zdY","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-02T02:55:40Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#46: \"Rebuilding Myself Through Tech\" with Natasha Hedeker | Educative Sessions","description": "TW: The following session contains a discussion about sexual assault, trauma, and mental health. Viewer and listener discretion is advised. If you are in need of help or support, we recommend visiting RAINN (, the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the United States.\n\nNatasha Hedeker went through a major shift in my life, pursuing a career in secondary education to software developer. Her journey took years of recovering from a traumatic experience and finding strength\u00a0 Natasha would like to show listeners that you really can come from any background and become a successful developer.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nNatasha Hedeker is a professional software engineer and literary enthusiast based out of the Chicagoland area.\u00a0\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #46: \"Rebuilding Myself Through Tech\" with Natasha Hedeker | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","trauma","sexual assault","survivor","recovery","therapy"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#46: \"Rebuilding Myself Through Tech\" with Natasha Hedeker | Educative Sessions","description": "TW: The following session contains a discussion about sexual assault, trauma, and mental health. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #46: \"Rebuilding Myself Through Tech\" with Natasha Hedeker | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT19M43S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "80","likeCount": "7","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "1"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "X1yloghUIHhBPbDsovecD74Gt4U","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "_Wy_SQawKUUsD0vrkEMpIZH4-7E","id": "UgyMFMuAB0p6ULHtaQB4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "XQs8Dc28zdY","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "hZm0bVyQH3AwG0P8-JYXTU6AyXM","id": "UgyMFMuAB0p6ULHtaQB4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "XQs8Dc28zdY","textDisplay": "Well done Natasha, you rule! "It's never too late," regardless of your career change, your mental health issues, or your monetary situation!","textOriginal": "Well done Natasha, you rule! \"It's never too late,\" regardless of your career change, your mental health issues, or your monetary situation!","authorDisplayName": "smnostwick","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCP83mJ7uO7rC1W99FfY8NcQ"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 3,"publishedAt": "2021-03-06T01:28:11Z","updatedAt": "2021-03-06T01:28:11Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}}]}},"6F4oZ5VfYWk": {"items": [{"id": "6F4oZ5VfYWk","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-11T10:11:03Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#5: \u201cThe Little Big Bug That Almost Ruined My Career\u201d with Tessa Mero | Educative Sessions","description": "At her first software engineering job, Tessa Mero had to travel to China to demo the app she built alone to her CEO. Hours before the meeting, she found a major reputation-destroying bug in the app and panicked. In this Session, Tessa will share what she did next - a critical lesson that reminds us all that \"no one is an island,\" especially not in software development.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nTessa Mero is a Developer Advocate at Cloudinary. She regularly organizes meetups, such as APIs, Vue.js, JAMStack, and Developer Relations. In the past, she has contributed to a leadership team for the open source Joomla! Project. She organized a PHP Conference and founded the API City Conference. She also is an avid career mentor and has helped countless developers become successful. On her free time, she enjoys video games, fitness, camping, and KBBQ.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE (\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 5: \u201cThe Little Big Bug That Almost Ruined My Career\u201d with Tessa Mero of Cloudinary","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","coding","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","fire","debugging","coding fire","mentor","tech support","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#5: \u201cThe Little Big Bug That Almost Ruined My Career\u201d with Tessa Mero | Educative Sessions","description": "At her first software engineering job, Tessa Mero had to travel to China to demo the app she built alone to her CEO. Hours before the meeting, she found a major reputation-destroying bug in the app and panicked. In this Session, Tessa will share what she did next - a critical lesson that reminds us all that \"no one is an island,\" especially not in software development.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nTessa Mero is a Developer Advocate at Cloudinary. She regularly organizes meetups, such as APIs, Vue.js, JAMStack, and Developer Relations. In the past, she has contributed to a leadership team for the open source Joomla! Project. She organized a PHP Conference and founded the API City Conference. She also is an avid career mentor and has helped countless developers become successful. On her free time, she enjoys video games, fitness, camping, and KBBQ.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE (\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 5: \u201cThe Little Big Bug That Almost Ruined My Career\u201d with Tessa Mero of Cloudinary"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT19M25S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "315","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"QLHICsxwDjY": {"items": [{"id": "QLHICsxwDjY","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-25T23:59:02Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#44: \"The Care and Monitoring of You\" with Mary Thengvall of Camunda | Educative Sessions","description": "We all know monitoring the health, well-being, and happiness of our community is an incredibly important part of being a community professional, but it\u2019s arguably even more important to monitor those qualities in ourselves \u2014 those who take care of the community. Our guest Mary Thengvall is one of the foremost vanguards of this movement.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nMary Thengvall is a connector of people at heart, personally and professionally. She loves digging into the strategy of how to build and foster developer communities and has been doing so for over 10 years. Mary is the Director of Developer Relations at Camunda, an open source process automation platform. She's the author of the first book on Developer Relations: The Business Value of Developer Relations (\u00a9 2018, Apress).\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 44: \"The Care and Monitoring of You\" with Mary Thengvall of Camunda | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","mental health","wellness"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#44: \"The Care and Monitoring of You\" with Mary Thengvall of Camunda | Educative Sessions","description": "We all know monitoring the health, well-being, and happiness of our community is an incredibly important part of being a community professional, but it\u2019s arguably even more important to monitor those qualities in ourselves \u2014 those who take care of the community. Our guest Mary Thengvall is one of the foremost vanguards of this movement.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nMary Thengvall is a connector of people at heart, personally and professionally. She loves digging into the strategy of how to build and foster developer communities and has been doing so for over 10 years. Mary is the Director of Developer Relations at Camunda, an open source process automation platform. She's the author of the first book on Developer Relations: The Business Value of Developer Relations (\u00a9 2018, Apress).\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 44: \"The Care and Monitoring of You\" with Mary Thengvall of Camunda | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT18M22S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "60","likeCount": "5","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"A8AYfBx0Bqs": {"items": [{"id": "A8AYfBx0Bqs","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-08T16:44:32Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#1: \u201cAvoiding Fires by Managing Stakeholder Expectations\u201d with Ewelina Prockow | Educative","description": "While working at the nexus of development and business as an entrepreneur and product manager, Ewelina Prockow would fight major coding catastrophes ... by preventing them before they start. Join us as she shares a few amazing experiences in one of our first officially public episode of Sessions.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and other platforms)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nEwelina Prockow is a proven product leader who applies a scientific and empathetic approach to problem solving, an entrepreneur who built two businesses from the ground up and led them to strong results, and a doer who helped bring a new user experience to market and scale it in a B2B enterprise software environment.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 1: \u201cAvoiding Fires by Managing Stakeholder Expectations\u201d with Ewelina Prockow of Guidewire | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Product","Frontend","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","coding","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","project management","product management","entrepreneurship","startup","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#1: \u201cAvoiding Fires by Managing Stakeholder Expectations\u201d with Ewelina Prockow | Educative","description": "While working at the nexus of development and business as an entrepreneur and product manager, Ewelina Prockow would fight major coding catastrophes ... by preventing them before they start. Join us as she shares a few amazing experiences in one of our first officially public episode of Sessions.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and other platforms)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nEwelina Prockow is a proven product leader who applies a scientific and empathetic approach to problem solving, an entrepreneur who built two businesses from the ground up and led them to strong results, and a doer who helped bring a new user experience to market and scale it in a B2B enterprise software environment.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 1: \u201cAvoiding Fires by Managing Stakeholder Expectations\u201d with Ewelina Prockow of Guidewire | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M42S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "138","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"r4Ul2jKIHqU": {"items": [{"id": "r4Ul2jKIHqU","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-01-16T17:51:37Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#32: \"What's the weird looking stuff on the screen?\" with Robert Murray | Educative Sessions","description": "Coding in public has always been Robert's preference. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #32: \"What's the weird looking stuff on the screen?\" with Robert Murray of TaskRabbit | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","the matrix"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#32: \"What's the weird looking stuff on the screen?\" with Robert Murray | Educative Sessions","description": "Coding in public has always been Robert's preference. An earlier adopter to coffee shop life, for a while people didn't understand what he was doing there with his laptop, and why he wasn't talking to anyone else, or reading a book. It's much more common now, and there is a much larger, global community of nomads. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nRobert Murray s a software engineer currently working at TaskRabbit. He also has a pension for sourcing the best coffee in any city he visits, is an amateur competitive latte artist, a lover of live music, a MINI enthusiast and occasional mechanic. \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #32: \"What's the weird looking stuff on the screen?\" with Robert Murray of TaskRabbit | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M43S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "87","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"0ovigV5WpB0": {"items": [{"id": "0ovigV5WpB0","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-09-27T12:00:11Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#78: \"I Brought a Drumset to a Python Meetup\" with Boris Zalkin | Educative Sessions","description": "At the Python Meetup group in Munich, Germany, one of the organizers heard Boris Zalkin could drum. \"What if you brought your drum kit to our next Meetup? What's the worst that could happen?\" Even though he empathizes with the ears and experiential expectations of other Meetup attendees, Boris came to play. Check out the rest of this story. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nBoris Zalkin is Certified Software and Cloud Architect Expert who has solid experience designing and developing complex solutions based on the Azure, Google, AWS clouds. Boris has expertise in building distributed systems and frameworks based on Kubernetes, Azure Service Fabric, etc. His areas of interest include Enterprise Cloud Solutions, Edge Computing, High loaded Web API and Application, Multitenant Distributed Systems, Internet-of-Things Solutions.\n\nBoris Zaikin's Medium blog:\nThe Epic Python Show videos with drums:\nA post about the experience:\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #78: \"I Brought a Drumset to a Python Meetup\" with Boris Zalkin | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#78: \"I Brought a Drumset to a Python Meetup\" with Boris Zalkin | Educative Sessions","description": "At the Python Meetup group in Munich, Germany, one of the organizers heard Boris Zalkin could drum. \"What if you brought your drum kit to our next Meetup? What's the worst that could happen?\" Even though he empathizes with the ears and experiential expectations of other Meetup attendees, Boris came to play. Check out the rest of this story. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nBoris Zalkin is Certified Software and Cloud Architect Expert who has solid experience designing and developing complex solutions based on the Azure, Google, AWS clouds. Boris has expertise in building distributed systems and frameworks based on Kubernetes, Azure Service Fabric, etc. His areas of interest include Enterprise Cloud Solutions, Edge Computing, High loaded Web API and Application, Multitenant Distributed Systems, Internet-of-Things Solutions.\n\nBoris Zaikin's Medium blog:\nThe Epic Python Show videos with drums:\nA post about the experience:\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #78: \"I Brought a Drumset to a Python Meetup\" with Boris Zalkin | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M48S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "23","likeCount": "5","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"d1f1UyvoM7o": {"items": [{"id": "d1f1UyvoM7o","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-04-04T16:27:54Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#56: \"A Standup Comedian's Guide to Working in Tech\" with Sean Ottey of Roland | Educative Sessions","description": "Without a high school degree, Sean Ottey stumbled into software development via support and quality assurance ... and eventually hated it. After discovering stand-up comedy, Sean learned to love changing hats and work his extroverted side, interacting with customers and solving problems in the technology world.\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nFrom a janitor job, Sean Ottey moved into a tech support position. Knowing he could do more, he leveraged his experience into a Testing position. From there, development came next. Microsoft, startups and large companies. Almost immediately, he hated it. Being a Stand Up comedian, he decided to combine his tech knowledge with his speaking experience. Eventually realizing that customer experience is the key, he now runs a Customer Success Team for Roland Cloud. Learn more at\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 56: \"A Standup Comedian's Guide to Working in Tech\" with Sean Ottey of Roland Cloud | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","standup","comedy"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#56: \"A Standup Comedian's Guide to Working in Tech\" with Sean Ottey of Roland | Educative Sessions","description": "Without a high school degree, Sean Ottey stumbled into software development via support and quality assurance ... and eventually hated it. After discovering stand-up comedy, Sean learned to love changing hats and work his extroverted side, interacting with customers and solving problems in the technology world.\u00a0\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nFrom a janitor job, Sean Ottey moved into a tech support position. Knowing he could do more, he leveraged his experience into a Testing position. From there, development came next. Microsoft, startups and large companies. Almost immediately, he hated it. Being a Stand Up comedian, he decided to combine his tech knowledge with his speaking experience. Eventually realizing that customer experience is the key, he now runs a Customer Success Team for Roland Cloud. Learn more at\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 56: \"A Standup Comedian's Guide to Working in Tech\" with Sean Ottey of Roland Cloud | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M33S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "47","likeCount": "5","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"_y4Ez2ugKcI": {"items": [{"id": "_y4Ez2ugKcI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-11-08T05:07:40Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#18: \u201cOne Step Beyond Logic: Founding a Bootcamp\u201d w/ Josh Lucas of AcademyPGH | Educative Sessions","description": "Josh Lucas has worn many hats in service of his community: high school teacher, tech entrepreneur, startup incubator, business co-operative. His latest initiative - the Academy Pittsburgh (@academypgh) - is a developer bootcamp with a with a unique set of challenges. Learn more about Josh's journey and lessons learned while providing a place for aspiring developers in his community.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nJosh Lucas was a high school teacher for over a decade. One day, he decided that he wanted to do something different. So he started a startup with no a priori or actual knowledge of what that meant. His startup didn't do great. It failed. But, along the way it occurred to him that a life's work is what you make of it. So he started another startup, and business incubator, and a cooperative, and a developer bootcamp. Etc, etc. This time he did have a priori and actual knowledge so he did better.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 18: \u201cOne Step Beyond Logic: Founding a Bootcamp in a Tech-Saturated Community\u201d with Josh Lucas | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","entrepreneur","community","pittsburgh","academy pittsburgh","founder","startup","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#18: \u201cOne Step Beyond Logic: Founding a Bootcamp\u201d w/ Josh Lucas of AcademyPGH | Educative Sessions","description": "Josh Lucas has worn many hats in service of his community: high school teacher, tech entrepreneur, startup incubator, business co-operative. His latest initiative - the Academy Pittsburgh (@academypgh) - is a developer bootcamp with a with a unique set of challenges. Learn more about Josh's journey and lessons learned while providing a place for aspiring developers in his community.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nJosh Lucas was a high school teacher for over a decade. One day, he decided that he wanted to do something different. So he started a startup with no a priori or actual knowledge of what that meant. His startup didn't do great. It failed. But, along the way it occurred to him that a life's work is what you make of it. So he started another startup, and business incubator, and a cooperative, and a developer bootcamp. Etc, etc. This time he did have a priori and actual knowledge so he did better.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 18: \u201cOne Step Beyond Logic: Founding a Bootcamp in a Tech-Saturated Community\u201d with Josh Lucas | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M59S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "30","likeCount": "5","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"Tl1L35hK0Mo": {"items": [{"id": "Tl1L35hK0Mo","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-08T03:55:37Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#38: \"Fighting Impostor Syndrome as a Technical Co-Founder\" with Carter Lathrop | Educative Sessions","description": "Carter Lathrop left a terrific position at Salesforce to start his own company. He became a phenomenal engineer and technical lead in his day job, but he had constant doubts about whether he could build a product from scratch, let alone something that users would love. Carter's 3-year journey from then to now will shed some light on what that path looks like for a nervous engineer that wonders about taking the leap into building something from nothing.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nCarter Lathrop is the CTO and Co-Founder of Paperstreet (, an investor updates and portfolio management platform for startups and investors. He was thrown into the startup world in 2018 and has since dabbled in almost every position a company might have. He's most passionate about fostering innovation and bringing out the best in people.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 38: \"Fighting Impostor Syndrome as a Technical Co-Founder\" with Carter Lathrop of PaperStreet | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#38: \"Fighting Impostor Syndrome as a Technical Co-Founder\" with Carter Lathrop | Educative Sessions","description": "Carter Lathrop left a terrific position at Salesforce to start his own company. 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He's most passionate about fostering innovation and bringing out the best in people.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 38: \"Fighting Impostor Syndrome as a Technical Co-Founder\" with Carter Lathrop of PaperStreet | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT18M3S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "65","likeCount": "4","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"qPQTdtOJ9ys": {"items": [{"id": "qPQTdtOJ9ys","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-08T15:20:36Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#3: \u201cBuilding a Website for My Refugee Mom\u201d with Jennifer Pham of Acorns | Educative Sessions","description": "After graduating from Berkeley, Jennifer Pham worked for her mother at her printing shop. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 3: \u201cBuilding a Website for My Refugee Mom\u201d with Jennifer Pham of Acorns | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["refugee","coding","wordpress","bootcamp","family","software","development","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","project management","product management","entrepreneurship","startup","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#3: \u201cBuilding a Website for My Refugee Mom\u201d with Jennifer Pham of Acorns | Educative Sessions","description": "After graduating from Berkeley, Jennifer Pham worked for her mother at her printing shop. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 3: \u201cBuilding a Website for My Refugee Mom\u201d with Jennifer Pham of Acorns | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M26S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "74","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"v_WYUalt368": {"items": [{"id": "v_WYUalt368","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-15T04:22:14Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#41: \"That Time I Did a Launch Demo with Mark Wahlberg\" with Patrick Perini | Educative Sessions","description": "A series of well-placed half-truths and landed us in a last-minute improvised launch event for Mark Wahlberg's Wahlburgers West Hollywood location \u2014 an event filled with celebrities and destined for second-rate reality TV. Patrick Perini describes the experience in full and the lessons learned about decision-making in a crisis.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nPatrick Perini is a storyteller, technologist, and frequent entrepreneur. During this story, he was VP of Product and co-founder of Raydiant, a screen signage company trying to build a distributed TV operating system. These days, his head is down working on a number of projects to be named later. You can find him at or @pcperini on Twitter.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 41: \"That Time I Did a Launch Demo with Mark Wahlberg\" with Patrick Perini | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","mark wahlberg","wahlbergers"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#41: \"That Time I Did a Launch Demo with Mark Wahlberg\" with Patrick Perini | Educative Sessions","description": "A series of well-placed half-truths and landed us in a last-minute improvised launch event for Mark Wahlberg's Wahlburgers West Hollywood location \u2014 an event filled with celebrities and destined for second-rate reality TV. Patrick Perini describes the experience in full and the lessons learned about decision-making in a crisis.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nPatrick Perini is a storyteller, technologist, and frequent entrepreneur. During this story, he was VP of Product and co-founder of Raydiant, a screen signage company trying to build a distributed TV operating system. These days, his head is down working on a number of projects to be named later. You can find him at or @pcperini on Twitter.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 41: \"That Time I Did a Launch Demo with Mark Wahlberg\" with Patrick Perini | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT20M36S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "49","likeCount": "4","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"LPXGQvo4G60": {"items": [{"id": "LPXGQvo4G60","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-09-06T12:00:10Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#75: \"From 'D' to PhD in STEM\" with Marsha Tufft of Putney Designs | Educative Sessions","description": "Marsha Tufft got her first D ever in physics \u2013 electricity and magnetism\u2013sophomore year, and later went on to complete a Ph.D. in engineering. But that D rocked her world. She didn\u2019t know if she had what it took to continue in engineering. When the rubber hit the road, it was the hobbies and creative design projects she did as a kid that provided the resilience and grit to stay the course.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nMarsha Tufft earned a BS in mechanical engineering, MS in aerospace engineering, and Ph.D. in materials engineering. Since retiring from GE Aviation, her passion is getting kids engaged in STEM fields through her stories and STEM experiments. She's been active with GE volunteers, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, and also offers school visits in the Greater Cincinnati area. You can learn more at her website,!\u00a0\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 75: \"From 'D' to PhD in STEM\" with Marsha Tufft of Putney Designs | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software","stem","failure","college","physics","grades"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#75: \"From 'D' to PhD in STEM\" with Marsha Tufft of Putney Designs | Educative Sessions","description": "Marsha Tufft got her first D ever in physics \u2013 electricity and magnetism\u2013sophomore year, and later went on to complete a Ph.D. in engineering. But that D rocked her world. She didn\u2019t know if she had what it took to continue in engineering. When the rubber hit the road, it was the hobbies and creative design projects she did as a kid that provided the resilience and grit to stay the course.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nMarsha Tufft earned a BS in mechanical engineering, MS in aerospace engineering, and Ph.D. in materials engineering. Since retiring from GE Aviation, her passion is getting kids engaged in STEM fields through her stories and STEM experiments. She's been active with GE volunteers, Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, and also offers school visits in the Greater Cincinnati area. You can learn more at her website,!\u00a0\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 75: \"From 'D' to PhD in STEM\" with Marsha Tufft of Putney Designs | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M45S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "27","likeCount": "4","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"hiUq5-5mEUA": {"items": [{"id": "hiUq5-5mEUA","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-14T19:45:40Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#8: \u201cLulz, Remember Geocities?\u201d with Sydney Lai of OutSystems | Educative Sessions","description": "Sydney Lai started computer gaming and programming at 5 years old. 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Sydney is a Developer Advocate at OutSystems, providing resources and education on the next generation of developer tools.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 8: \u201cLulz, Remember Geocities?\u201d with Sydney Lai of OutSystems | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","Geocities","coding humor","humor","html","funny","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#8: \u201cLulz, Remember Geocities?\u201d with Sydney Lai of OutSystems | Educative Sessions","description": "Sydney Lai started computer gaming and programming at 5 years old. 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Sydney is a Developer Advocate at OutSystems, providing resources and education on the next generation of developer tools.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 8: \u201cLulz, Remember Geocities?\u201d with Sydney Lai of OutSystems | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT18M57S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "50","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"8PIY8xfac54": {"items": [{"id": "8PIY8xfac54","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-06-21T15:00:27Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#64: \"Junior Developer ... for Life?\" with Rasheed Bustamam of Edvo | Educative Sessions","description": "Although Rasheed Bustamam has worked in a senior capacity in many projects, he prefers to consider himself a \"junior developer for life.\" This mentality helps him set aside his experience and ego and try to look at every project with a junior's perspective, asking himself questions like \"Why is this written this way?\", \"Is this simple enough to understand?\", and \"Where are the gaps in my knowledge?\" These questions help him think through solving business problems in a less complex manner.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nRasheed Bustaman is a self-educated software engineer. He went from working part time as a manager at an after-school learning center to working at a consulting firm, where he did enterprise consulting for organizations like Panzura and MIT. He started a cryptocurrency side project which ultimately got acquired, and now he going back to his roots in education by building a knowledge management software suite at Edvo. \nVisit Edvo at\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nRasheed Bustamam is an contributor to Edpresso by Educative. Learn more! \u25ba\u25ba \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #64: \"Junior Developer ... for Life?\" with Rasheed Bustamam of Edvo | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","junior developer","edpresso","edvo","rasheed bustamam"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#64: \"Junior Developer ... for Life?\" with Rasheed Bustamam of Edvo | Educative Sessions","description": "Although Rasheed Bustamam has worked in a senior capacity in many projects, he prefers to consider himself a \"junior developer for life.\" This mentality helps him set aside his experience and ego and try to look at every project with a junior's perspective, asking himself questions like \"Why is this written this way?\", \"Is this simple enough to understand?\", and \"Where are the gaps in my knowledge?\" These questions help him think through solving business problems in a less complex manner.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nRasheed Bustaman is a self-educated software engineer. He went from working part time as a manager at an after-school learning center to working at a consulting firm, where he did enterprise consulting for organizations like Panzura and MIT. He started a cryptocurrency side project which ultimately got acquired, and now he going back to his roots in education by building a knowledge management software suite at Edvo. \nVisit Edvo at\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nRasheed Bustamam is an contributor to Edpresso by Educative. Learn more! \u25ba\u25ba \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #64: \"Junior Developer ... for Life?\" with Rasheed Bustamam of Edvo | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT11M46S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "74","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"GpMWqRyq70g": {"items": [{"id": "GpMWqRyq70g","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-01-24T16:01:32Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#33: \"Going Silent (and Being OK with it)\" with Cameron Buckingham of Deloitte | Educative Sessions","description": "It's been more than two years since Cam put any effort into personal branding, conference-attending, public speaking, or community engagement. He went silent: a a conscientious effort of avoiding the noise. This highly personal talk for both host and guest reviews the lessons learned and even offers a critique on life as a developer.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nCameron Buckingham (@cpbuckingham) is a Senior Developer with Deloitte. As of the recording of this talk, he is based in Austin and pursuing an MBA at Texas State University. A veteran of the US Air Force, he is obsessed with hanging out with his lovely wife, two kids, and husky, paddling down the Guadalupe River, and listening to litRPG on Audible.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #33: \"Going Silent (and Being OK with it)\" with Cameron Buckingham of Deloitte | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","burnout"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#33: \"Going Silent (and Being OK with it)\" with Cameron Buckingham of Deloitte | Educative Sessions","description": "It's been more than two years since Cam put any effort into personal branding, conference-attending, public speaking, or community engagement. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #33: \"Going Silent (and Being OK with it)\" with Cameron Buckingham of Deloitte | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT23M4S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "68","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "1"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "Yh9_4A8i8cd4WsF6VGRNSNJ7c9M","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "ZAAtKR8NdLVmRsUbP0xczPNuEC8","id": "UgwgjIsQKCH2gD6hd6l4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "GpMWqRyq70g","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "g1TGP2gE7kSzV0zYWQ59wYalzdk","id": "UgwgjIsQKCH2gD6hd6l4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "GpMWqRyq70g","textDisplay": "Thank you","textOriginal": "Thank you","authorDisplayName": "Souvik Kundu","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCGPYV5Sugc93kGYBQ4PwxgQ"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 1,"publishedAt": "2021-01-24T20:23:43Z","updatedAt": "2021-01-24T20:23:43Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}}]}},"HhbCtommdD0": {"items": [{"id": "HhbCtommdD0","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-24T21:30:09Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#50: \"Gaining My Focus Through Art and Engineering\" with Parshad Patel | Educative Sessions","description": "For much of his life, Parshad Patel struggled with being able to focus. He stammered when he communicated, avoided group activities, and often became lost in his own thought processes. After he sought professional help, Parshad realized the importance of being vulnerable in order to empower himself to change. Now that he is both a photographer and a professional in computer vision and deep learning, he's never been more comfortable in his own skin.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nParshad Patel is a serial entrepreneur and pragmatic researcher. He enjoy building products and connecting with folks solving humanity's next generation, especially in food and waste management. Parshad I currently work as a Data Scientist, Computer Vision at Yummly. He is also a hardcore meditation practitioner, photographer and HIIT-er.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 50: \"Gaining My Focus Through Art and Engineering\" with Parshad Patel | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#50: \"Gaining My Focus Through Art and Engineering\" with Parshad Patel | Educative Sessions","description": "For much of his life, Parshad Patel struggled with being able to focus. 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He is also a hardcore meditation practitioner, photographer and HIIT-er.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 50: \"Gaining My Focus Through Art and Engineering\" with Parshad Patel | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT20M12S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "33","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"qoC08GbvASs": {"items": [{"id": "qoC08GbvASs","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-11-18T15:09:40Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#23: \"The Wanderlust Years That Inspired Me to Become a Coder\" with Dawn Saquin | Educative Sessions","description": "Although Dawn Saquin was exposed to code rather early in her career after taking a break from college, it took a year of world travel and another of teaching in a foreign country to fully understand her potential and pursue a program in software development. Learn about her exciting journey and gained wisdom in this special Session.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDawn Saquin is a Seattle-based software developer currently with Wicket Labs. Prior to her life as a coder, she\u2019s worked in a multitude of jobs in the tech world and traveled to nearly a dozen countries. Dawn is an adventurer at heart and escapes to the mountains to hike and climb at every opportunity.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 23: \"The Wanderlust Years That Inspired Me to Become a Coder\" with Dawn Saquin of Wicket Labs | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","travel","teaching","wanderlust","exploration","soul-searching"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#23: \"The Wanderlust Years That Inspired Me to Become a Coder\" with Dawn Saquin | Educative Sessions","description": "Although Dawn Saquin was exposed to code rather early in her career after taking a break from college, it took a year of world travel and another of teaching in a foreign country to fully understand her potential and pursue a program in software development. Learn about her exciting journey and gained wisdom in this special Session.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDawn Saquin is a Seattle-based software developer currently with Wicket Labs. Prior to her life as a coder, she\u2019s worked in a multitude of jobs in the tech world and traveled to nearly a dozen countries. Dawn is an adventurer at heart and escapes to the mountains to hike and climb at every opportunity.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 23: \"The Wanderlust Years That Inspired Me to Become a Coder\" with Dawn Saquin of Wicket Labs | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M38S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "76","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"BwFpKtPpCU8": {"items": [{"id": "BwFpKtPpCU8","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-12T03:15:52Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#7: \u201c'What's for lunch?' 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She is a co-organizer of the Seattle PyLadies.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 7: \u201c'What's for lunch?' 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She is a co-organizer of the Seattle PyLadies.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 7: \u201c'What's for lunch?' Building a 'Catered' Automated Script\u201d with Wendy Grus of Hulu | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M59S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "65","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"KIe_aTRYzIA": {"items": [{"id": "KIe_aTRYzIA","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-16T03:07:06Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#9: \"\u2018Your website is terrible\u2019: A Leap of Faith FROM Real Estate\" with Graham McBain | Educative","description": "After Graham McBain sold his hardware company, he went into real estate while studying code on the side. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 9: \"\u2018Your website is terrible\u2019: A Leap of Faith FROM Real Estate\" with Graham McBain of | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","real estate","bootcamp","learning to code","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#9: \"\u2018Your website is terrible\u2019: A Leap of Faith FROM Real Estate\" with Graham McBain | Educative","description": "After Graham McBain sold his hardware company, he went into real estate while studying code on the side. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 9: \"\u2018Your website is terrible\u2019: A Leap of Faith FROM Real Estate\" with Graham McBain of | Educative Sessions"}},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT18M21S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "31","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"Pv9X7u3QnWM": {"items": [{"id": "Pv9X7u3QnWM","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-11-12T20:02:48Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#21: \"How a Designer Became the Company Hero on Day One\" w/ Alex Cherednichenko | Educative Sessions","description": "A few years ago, Alex Cherednichenko was a team leader on a tech startup. 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Alex bootstrapped own service company Logicify before joining DataArt, which builds educational technology services for vertical and startups.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEp. 21: \"How a Designer Became the Company Hero ... on the First Day\" with Alex Cherednichenko | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","crypto","fire","aws","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","security breach","security","hack","attack"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#21: \"How a Designer Became the Company Hero on Day One\" w/ Alex Cherednichenko | Educative Sessions","description": "A few years ago, Alex Cherednichenko was a team leader on a tech startup. 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Alex bootstrapped own service company Logicify before joining DataArt, which builds educational technology services for vertical and startups.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEp. 21: \"How a Designer Became the Company Hero ... on the First Day\" with Alex Cherednichenko | Educative Sessions"}},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M38S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "39","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"dVa0o0lXOcI": {"items": [{"id": "dVa0o0lXOcI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-30T06:58:40Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#15: \"A Speaker's Nightmare: Getting Swift-ly Interrupted\u201d with Timirah James | Educative Sessions","description": "Timirah James was in for a surprise while presenting a talk at a well-know tech conference. What began as random commentary turned into heckling and eventually to an unexpected question that leads to a hilariously wild sequence of events. Join us as Timirah shares this story and all the details at this Session.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nTimirah James is a singer/songwriter, turned mobile engineer, turned Developer Evangelist. She's also a Swift Instructor on the O'Reilly Platform, and is heavily involved in the tech community as an international speaker, organizer, mentor, and tech workshop facilitator for several tech conferences and organizations \u2013\u2013 including her own non-profit organization called TechniGal LA, which exposes women of all ages to learning and employment opportunities in STEM.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 15: \"A Speaker's Nightmare: Getting Swift-ly Interrupted\u201d with Timirah James of TechniGal LA | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","speaking","swift","conference","panel","racism","sexism","nightmares","apple","ios","mobile","objective-c","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#15: \"A Speaker's Nightmare: Getting Swift-ly Interrupted\u201d with Timirah James | Educative Sessions","description": "Timirah James was in for a surprise while presenting a talk at a well-know tech conference. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 15: \"A Speaker's Nightmare: Getting Swift-ly Interrupted\u201d with Timirah James of TechniGal LA | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT26M57S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "54","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"4V0ynloadZc": {"items": [{"id": "4V0ynloadZc","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-12-02T02:33:32Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#26: \"Rerouting: Getting Derailed from an Academic Career\" with Susan Fung | Educative Sessions","description": "While in pursuit of a PhD, Susan Fung was set on a career as a science researcher. However, some of her experiments didn't go as planned, and as Susan also developed arm and neck pain, her career was derailed into uncertainty. In this Session, Susan shares her emotional process in 2014 of transitioning from a career in academia to data science.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDr. Susan Fung is a data scientist and first-generation university graduate of Berkeley and the University of Washington with degrees in Cognitive Science and Neurobiology. She delights in telling the stories behind the data.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 26: \"Rerouting: Getting Derailed from an Academic Career\" with Susan Fung of Liberty Mutual | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","data science","liberty mutual","academia","failure","career change"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#26: \"Rerouting: Getting Derailed from an Academic Career\" with Susan Fung | Educative Sessions","description": "While in pursuit of a PhD, Susan Fung was set on a career as a science researcher. 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Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 26: \"Rerouting: Getting Derailed from an Academic Career\" with Susan Fung of Liberty Mutual | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT19M55S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "32","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"2D7g8rx5RG8": {"items": [{"id": "2D7g8rx5RG8","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-06-07T15:00:11Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#62: \"From Freakonomics Fan to Open-Source Coder\" with Chris Huie of | Educative Sessions","description": "One of the first books that Chris Huie fell in love with was \"...a story about a rogue economist\" called Freakanomics. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 62: \"From Zero Sum to Open Source\" with Chris Huie of | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","economics","freakonomics","zero sum game","ethics"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#62: \"From Freakonomics Fan to Open-Source Coder\" with Chris Huie of | Educative Sessions","description": "One of the first books that Chris Huie fell in love with was \"...a story about a rogue economist\" called Freakanomics. In it was a beautiful framework for how to approach problems and that mentality would lay the foundation for Chris's future. He would go on to study finance and end up having decently fast-paced career in business and finance. However, the zero-sum mentality that had served him well in the business world didn't feel natural. Open-source is the mental counter-point to zero-sum.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nChris Huie (@phoenixtechnerd) is an economist who fell in love with engineering. \"Data Magician\" will be a future job title for him someday. He is currently a Senior Software Engineer with\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 62: \"From Zero Sum to Open Source\" with Chris Huie of | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M19S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "51","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"J8N6Dp0Kr9w": {"items": [{"id": "J8N6Dp0Kr9w","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-04-03T15:24:31Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#55: \"Pivoting into Code During a Pandemic\" with Lisa Jiamsiriuongkul | Educative Sessions","description": "At the beginning of the pandemic, Lisa Jiamsiriuongkul left her job to help her family navigate the challenging times of illness and death. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 55: \"Pivoting into Code During a Pandemic\" with Lisa Jiamsiriuongkul | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#55: \"Pivoting into Code During a Pandemic\" with Lisa Jiamsiriuongkul | Educative Sessions","description": "At the beginning of the pandemic, Lisa Jiamsiriuongkul left her job to help her family navigate the challenging times of illness and death. Her previous jobs as a PM was a source of pride and purpose for her, but the pandemic changed what that career fulfillment meant to her. In the unique year we had, Lisa pivoted her efforts toward a full-time software engineering career in order to find her definition of \u201cwork-life balance\u201d.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nLisa Jiamsiriuongkul is a Software Engineer with a background in Product Operations and Project Management. She working on her technical portfolio to transition into a future developer role, check her out at She previously worked in a data-driven PM role, where she was focused on the operational planning of data expansion and migration within the FinTech space.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 55: \"Pivoting into Code During a Pandemic\" with Lisa Jiamsiriuongkul | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M25S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "24","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"vWmo1Xxu36A": {"items": [{"id": "vWmo1Xxu36A","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-08-30T12:00:10Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#74: \"'Timing' in Building a Hardware Design Startup\" with Kevin Mako | Educative Sessions","description": "Kevin started Mako Design + Invent in high school, then incorporated in University where Kevin was section class president at the Ivey Business School (Harvard's sister school). He then studied overseas at Hong Kong University for supply chain management & manufacturing. He then went full time at Mako Design + Invent in 2007 after nervously turning down the pick of the litter job offers. Still, to today, Mako Design has no debt, no financing, and no shareholders - a true grassroots organic startup story.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nKevin Mako is the world\u2019s leading expert on hardware startups. Founder of MAKO Design + Invent (, the pioneer firm for providing world-class end-to-end physical consumer product development tailored to inventors, product startups, & small manufacturers. Masters of Engineering lecturer, sits on a number of entrepreneurship & education boards, and holds the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award designation. Host of The Product Startup Podcast, the hardware development industry\u2019s leading podcast. \n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #74: \"'Timing' in Building a Hardware Design Startup\" with Kevin Mako | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#74: \"'Timing' in Building a Hardware Design Startup\" with Kevin Mako | Educative Sessions","description": "Kevin started Mako Design + Invent in high school, then incorporated in University where Kevin was section class president at the Ivey Business School (Harvard's sister school). He then studied overseas at Hong Kong University for supply chain management & manufacturing. He then went full time at Mako Design + Invent in 2007 after nervously turning down the pick of the litter job offers. Still, to today, Mako Design has no debt, no financing, and no shareholders - a true grassroots organic startup story.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nKevin Mako is the world\u2019s leading expert on hardware startups. Founder of MAKO Design + Invent (, the pioneer firm for providing world-class end-to-end physical consumer product development tailored to inventors, product startups, & small manufacturers. Masters of Engineering lecturer, sits on a number of entrepreneurship & education boards, and holds the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award designation. Host of The Product Startup Podcast, the hardware development industry\u2019s leading podcast. \n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #74: \"'Timing' in Building a Hardware Design Startup\" with Kevin Mako | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M36S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "34","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"4A9wbZTR5PI": {"items": [{"id": "4A9wbZTR5PI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-11-10T21:02:27Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#20: \"An Uncertain Future: Automation & BIPOC Businesses\" w/ Domonique Meeks | Educative Sessions","description": "Is automation technology a way for small businesses owned by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) to survive COVID-19's economic downturn? Will they also reverse centuries of discrimination and finally level the playing field, or could they make matters even worse? Entrepreneur and No Blueprint Podcast host Domonique Meeks will share his thoughts on the subject, focusing on the city of Seattle.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDomonique Meeks is the co-founder and creative director of Ambassador Stories. He is the host of the No Blueprint Podcast and a storyteller. His work revolves around digital access, and democratizing technology and media.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 20: \"An Uncertain Future: Automation's Impact on BIPOC-Owned Businesses\" with Domonique Meeks of the City of Seattle | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#20: \"An Uncertain Future: Automation & BIPOC Businesses\" w/ Domonique Meeks | Educative Sessions","description": "Is automation technology a way for small businesses owned by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) to survive COVID-19's economic downturn? Will they also reverse centuries of discrimination and finally level the playing field, or could they make matters even worse? Entrepreneur and No Blueprint Podcast host Domonique Meeks will share his thoughts on the subject, focusing on the city of Seattle.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDomonique Meeks is the co-founder and creative director of Ambassador Stories. He is the host of the No Blueprint Podcast and a storyteller. His work revolves around digital access, and democratizing technology and media.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 20: \"An Uncertain Future: Automation's Impact on BIPOC-Owned Businesses\" with Domonique Meeks of the City of Seattle | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT19M32S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "28","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"byUuOorsjt8": {"items": [{"id": "byUuOorsjt8","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-20T05:05:15Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#43: \"Is Utah like the rest of America?\" with Harry Zhang of SAP | Educative Sessions","description": "Harry Zhang has been a scientist for more than 15 years across multiple fields: chemistry, cancer research, and business data science. He began his journey as a resident across two different cultures (China and the US), with his first experiences in the latter beginning in ... Utah? His early years studying at BYU formed his unique perspective to visualize and understand the world around him.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nHarry Zhang is currently working as a Senior Data Scientist at SAP, and his routine responsibility consists of business data analytics and prediction model development. He also has special interest in natural language processing, time series forecasting, and image classification technology. Before becoming a industry data scientist, Harry has worked in chemistry and cancer research for many years.\u00a0 You can learn more about him at\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #43: \"Is Utah like the rest of America?\" with Harry Zhang of SAP | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#43: \"Is Utah like the rest of America?\" with Harry Zhang of SAP | Educative Sessions","description": "Harry Zhang has been a scientist for more than 15 years across multiple fields: chemistry, cancer research, and business data science. He began his journey as a resident across two different cultures (China and the US), with his first experiences in the latter beginning in ... Utah? His early years studying at BYU formed his unique perspective to visualize and understand the world around him.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nHarry Zhang is currently working as a Senior Data Scientist at SAP, and his routine responsibility consists of business data analytics and prediction model development. He also has special interest in natural language processing, time series forecasting, and image classification technology. Before becoming a industry data scientist, Harry has worked in chemistry and cancer research for many years.\u00a0 You can learn more about him at\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #43: \"Is Utah like the rest of America?\" with Harry Zhang of SAP | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M29S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "37","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"B8X9pnlcd3I": {"items": [{"id": "B8X9pnlcd3I","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-09-20T16:22:53Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#79: \"A CTO Always Pays His Technical Debt\" with Brian Leonard of Grouparoo | Educative Sessions","description": "Before Brian Leonard became the CEO of Grouparoo, he was the CTO of TaskRabbit, once faced with the difficult choice of abandoning aspects of their business that actually made money and had community support. Watch as we discuss how he and his team navigated their way out of this \"technical debt.\"\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nBrian Leonard is the CEO and co-founder of Grouparoo, the open source customer data framework that makes it 10x easier to integrate customer data with cloud-based tools. Before that, he was CTO and technical co-founder of TaskRabbit, a pioneer in the gig economy.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 79: \"A CTO Always Pays His Technical Debt\" with Brian Leonard of Grouparoo | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "upcoming","localized": {"title": "#79: \"A CTO Always Pays His Technical Debt\" with Brian Leonard of Grouparoo | Educative Sessions","description": "Before Brian Leonard became the CEO of Grouparoo, he was the CTO of TaskRabbit, once faced with the difficult choice of abandoning aspects of their business that actually made money and had community support. Watch as we discuss how he and his team navigated their way out of this \"technical debt.\"\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nBrian Leonard is the CEO and co-founder of Grouparoo, the open source customer data framework that makes it 10x easier to integrate customer data with cloud-based tools. Before that, he was CTO and technical co-founder of TaskRabbit, a pioneer in the gig economy.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 79: \"A CTO Always Pays His Technical Debt\" with Brian Leonard of Grouparoo | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M36S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "0","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"cr7DYi0-PNY": {"items": [{"id": "cr7DYi0-PNY","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-08T20:33:24Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#4: \u201cWhat DevOps and Parenting Have in Common\u201d with Dawn Parzych | Educative Sessions","description": "Two things converged in Dawn's life at the same time: DevOps and parenting. As she learned about various DevOps principles, Dawn realized I could also apply them to my parenting strategies. Hear Dawn share stories over the last six years about how DevOps frames her parenting adventures. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDawn Parzych is a Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly where she uses her storytelling prowess to write & speak about the intersection of technology and psychology. She enjoys helping people be more successful. She makes technical information accessible avoiding buzzwords & jargon whenever possible. Her articles have appeared in numerous technical publications. She serves as an organizer for Write/Speak/Code, the Seattle DevOps Meetup, and is on the organizing committee for DevOpsDays Seattle.\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE (\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 4: \u201cWhat DevOps and Parenting Have in Common\u201d with Dawn Parzych of Launch Darkly | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","coding","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","podcast","speaker","talk","talk show","parenting","devops","learning to code","coding education","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#4: \u201cWhat DevOps and Parenting Have in Common\u201d with Dawn Parzych | Educative Sessions","description": "Two things converged in Dawn's life at the same time: DevOps and parenting. As she learned about various DevOps principles, Dawn realized I could also apply them to my parenting strategies. Hear Dawn share stories over the last six years about how DevOps frames her parenting adventures. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nDawn Parzych is a Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly where she uses her storytelling prowess to write & speak about the intersection of technology and psychology. She enjoys helping people be more successful. She makes technical information accessible avoiding buzzwords & jargon whenever possible. Her articles have appeared in numerous technical publications. She serves as an organizer for Write/Speak/Code, the Seattle DevOps Meetup, and is on the organizing committee for DevOpsDays Seattle.\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE (\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 4: \u201cWhat DevOps and Parenting Have in Common\u201d with Dawn Parzych of Launch Darkly | Educative Sessions"}},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M19S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "66","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"fPTdz-c2MN4": {"items": [{"id": "fPTdz-c2MN4","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-08-23T12:00:13Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#73: \"From Engineer to Manager (and Back)\" with Thibaut LaBarre of AngelList | Educative Sessions","description": "Thibaut LaBarre joined Amazon as an intern where he built Heartbeat, a Natural Language Processing tool that combines millions of data points from disparate feedback sources like product reviews, customer contacts, social media, and provides this information to worldwide product teams. Thibaut grew the team from my internship project to an organization of 20 engineers, transitioning into a manager role. After 7 years at Amazon, he made the jump back to a builder role at a startup. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nThibaut LaBarre moved from France to Seattle 10 years ago to study computational linguistics at the University of Washington. He spent 7 years at Amazon in various software engineering roles. At the start of 2020, he made the jump to the startup world. On the side, he volunteers for Techstars Startup Weekend and is a long time organizer of the annual Startup Weekend Education series at the Seattle Public Library.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #73: \"From Engineer to Manager (and Back)\" with Thibaut LaBarre of AngelList | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software","amazon","engineering management","startup","entrepreneurship","dev management"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#73: \"From Engineer to Manager (and Back)\" with Thibaut LaBarre of AngelList | Educative Sessions","description": "Thibaut LaBarre joined Amazon as an intern where he built Heartbeat, a Natural Language Processing tool that combines millions of data points from disparate feedback sources like product reviews, customer contacts, social media, and provides this information to worldwide product teams. Thibaut grew the team from my internship project to an organization of 20 engineers, transitioning into a manager role. After 7 years at Amazon, he made the jump back to a builder role at a startup. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nThibaut LaBarre moved from France to Seattle 10 years ago to study computational linguistics at the University of Washington. He spent 7 years at Amazon in various software engineering roles. At the start of 2020, he made the jump to the startup world. On the side, he volunteers for Techstars Startup Weekend and is a long time organizer of the annual Startup Weekend Education series at the Seattle Public Library.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode #73: \"From Engineer to Manager (and Back)\" with Thibaut LaBarre of AngelList | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M38S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "71","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"x0yF09Rdlis": {"items": [{"id": "x0yF09Rdlis","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-07-12T15:00:10Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#67: \"Running a Game Studio\" with Jakub Kasztalski of Unbound Creations | Educative Sessions","description": "Jakub Kasztalski joins Educative Sessions to talk about his experiences managing and self-publishing a small indie game studio. This Session will cover the our timeline, the pros/cons of self-publishing, as well as some common pitfalls. This talk is aimed at newer developers considering working with a publisher vs. self-publishing as well as developer managers interested in the world of gaming design and development.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nJakub Kasztalski (@koobazaur) is a Polish guy and a traveler. He lived all over world working on games, freelance writing, and even cinematography. He studied humanities and ethnic conflict, all of which inspire his creative works. He founded \"Unbound Creations\" in 2013, best known for their \"Headliner\" series of games where you play as a news editor and shape public opinion in a genetically modified society. What Jakub finds fascinating about games is that they are the one art form entirely based on interactivity.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 67: \"Running a Game Studio\" with Jakub Kasztalski of Unbound Creations | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software","gaming","game design","indie games","self-publishing","dev management"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#67: \"Running a Game Studio\" with Jakub Kasztalski of Unbound Creations | Educative Sessions","description": "Jakub Kasztalski joins Educative Sessions to talk about his experiences managing and self-publishing a small indie game studio. This Session will cover the our timeline, the pros/cons of self-publishing, as well as some common pitfalls. This talk is aimed at newer developers considering working with a publisher vs. self-publishing as well as developer managers interested in the world of gaming design and development.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nJakub Kasztalski (@koobazaur) is a Polish guy and a traveler. He lived all over world working on games, freelance writing, and even cinematography. He studied humanities and ethnic conflict, all of which inspire his creative works. He founded \"Unbound Creations\" in 2013, best known for their \"Headliner\" series of games where you play as a news editor and shape public opinion in a genetically modified society. What Jakub finds fascinating about games is that they are the one art form entirely based on interactivity.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 67: \"Running a Game Studio\" with Jakub Kasztalski of Unbound Creations | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M58S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "31","likeCount": "4","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "1"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "OjZW1xnuDCYZOS_03U7-qgsImFA","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "5eD49Dol5KRGhaLjefZIn_rApJ8","id": "UgwQcZOhX4L2ifWavNJ4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "x0yF09Rdlis","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "uQ7a6G0TNdtJrpnQnjOJXREotrI","id": "UgwQcZOhX4L2ifWavNJ4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "x0yF09Rdlis","textDisplay": "Jakub Kasztalski's advice on including a short video on an application was something I had never considered! Thank you for this!","textOriginal": "Jakub Kasztalski's advice on including a short video on an application was something I had never considered! Thank you for this!","authorDisplayName": "Jeff MacDonald","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UChlx9soBg4Lm0h3HyDe2gZg"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 1,"publishedAt": "2021-07-12T15:33:35Z","updatedAt": "2021-07-12T15:33:48Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}}]}},"JWrMbC7XofU": {"items": [{"id": "JWrMbC7XofU","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-04-03T15:04:54Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#54: \u201cHow a Crypto CEO Took on an Actual Force of Nature\u201d with Greg Edwards | Educative Sessions","description": "While Greg Edwards was taking a break from running a managed service provider (MSP) IT company to walk his dog in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he found himself caught right in the thick of a LAND HURRICANE (a.k.a) derecho. Listen to the steps he took to keep his community safe as well as make sure his business stayed afloat during downed power lines and a maze of fallen trees.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nGreg has been a technology entrepreneur since 1998. Before Greg founded CryptoStopper, he started Axis Backup, a backup and disaster recovery company for the insurance industry. He saw firsthand the rapid increase in the damage cyber criminals were doing with debilitating malware resulting in high financial loss to vulnerable companies. Between 2012 and 2015, one in five of Axis Backup\u2019s clients was hit by cybercrime. Greg realized effective cyber security could save businesses from costly downtime and compromised systems. In 2015, Axis Backup was acquired by J2 Global, freeing Greg to create CryptoStopper and focus exclusively on cybersecurity.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #54: \u201cHow a Crypto CEO Took on an Actual Force of Nature\u201d with Greg Edwards of CyberStopper | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#54: \u201cHow a Crypto CEO Took on an Actual Force of Nature\u201d with Greg Edwards | Educative Sessions","description": "While Greg Edwards was taking a break from running a managed service provider (MSP) IT company to walk his dog in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he found himself caught right in the thick of a LAND HURRICANE (a.k.a) derecho. Listen to the steps he took to keep his community safe as well as make sure his business stayed afloat during downed power lines and a maze of fallen trees.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nGreg has been a technology entrepreneur since 1998. Before Greg founded CryptoStopper, he started Axis Backup, a backup and disaster recovery company for the insurance industry. He saw firsthand the rapid increase in the damage cyber criminals were doing with debilitating malware resulting in high financial loss to vulnerable companies. Between 2012 and 2015, one in five of Axis Backup\u2019s clients was hit by cybercrime. Greg realized effective cyber security could save businesses from costly downtime and compromised systems. In 2015, Axis Backup was acquired by J2 Global, freeing Greg to create CryptoStopper and focus exclusively on cybersecurity.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode #54: \u201cHow a Crypto CEO Took on an Actual Force of Nature\u201d with Greg Edwards of CyberStopper | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M18S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "17","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"V1J8HAYtjPw": {"items": [{"id": "V1J8HAYtjPw","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-13T04:27:16Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#39: \"How Bartering In Morocco Helped Me Find My Passion for Coding\" with Kelly Revenaugh","description": "After suffering from burnout and struggling to learn to code for years, Kelly Revenaugh spent a gap year traveling through Europe and North Africa. While in Morocco, she bartered with a Moroccan Surf Camp to provide web development services in exchange for surf lessons. That project led Kelly to realize that her passion lies in the communication that exists between humans and code.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nKelly Revenaugh serve as Galvanize\u2019s Evangelist (aka 'brand ambassador') and help to form and promote new relationships with learning communities, technology companies, and people in order to facilitate integration between various members in tech and Galvanize.\n\nKelly manages Galvanize's tech Slack group. To join:\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 39: \"How Bartering In Morocco Helped Me Find My Passion for Coding\" with Kelly Revenaugh of Galvanize | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#39: \"How Bartering In Morocco Helped Me Find My Passion for Coding\" with Kelly Revenaugh","description": "After suffering from burnout and struggling to learn to code for years, Kelly Revenaugh spent a gap year traveling through Europe and North Africa. While in Morocco, she bartered with a Moroccan Surf Camp to provide web development services in exchange for surf lessons. That project led Kelly to realize that her passion lies in the communication that exists between humans and code.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nKelly Revenaugh serve as Galvanize\u2019s Evangelist (aka 'brand ambassador') and help to form and promote new relationships with learning communities, technology companies, and people in order to facilitate integration between various members in tech and Galvanize.\n\nKelly manages Galvanize's tech Slack group. To join:\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 39: \"How Bartering In Morocco Helped Me Find My Passion for Coding\" with Kelly Revenaugh of Galvanize | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M45S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "45","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"qZFve6M8uuo": {"items": [{"id": "qZFve6M8uuo","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-11-12T21:28:04Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#22: \"A Website by Mobile Devs? 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He co-founded in 2015 and draws heavily from his passion to help other developers find a place where they\u2019ll be happy with their work.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 22: \"A Website... Built by Mobile Devs? How Hard Could It Be?\" with Damien Cavaill\u00e8s | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","mobile","web","react"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#22: \"A Website by Mobile Devs? 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He co-founded in 2015 and draws heavily from his passion to help other developers find a place where they\u2019ll be happy with their work.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 22: \"A Website... Built by Mobile Devs? How Hard Could It Be?\" with Damien Cavaill\u00e8s | Educative Sessions"}},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT14M57S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "20","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"DQcn9tB6OfI": {"items": [{"id": "DQcn9tB6OfI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-04-04T16:51:48Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#57: \"Don't Take No For an Answer: Get the Tech Job You Want\" w/ Stevin Chacko | Educative Sessions","description": "Stevin Chacko is a first generation immigrant hustled his way through college and pivoted his career several times, finally into data and analytics engineering. In a world of specialization, he talks about his path into different fields and how being a bit of a generalist with a lot of persistence can bring real value to your career.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nStevin Chacko is a Senior Data Analytics Engineer with ChowNow with an entrepreneurial sprit who loves to learn by doing. He is passionate about data and analytics, constantly learning and building products for businesses.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 57: \"Don't Take No For an Answer: Getting the Tech Job You Want\" with Stevin Chacko of ChowNow | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#57: \"Don't Take No For an Answer: Get the Tech Job You Want\" w/ Stevin Chacko | Educative Sessions","description": "Stevin Chacko is a first generation immigrant hustled his way through college and pivoted his career several times, finally into data and analytics engineering. In a world of specialization, he talks about his path into different fields and how being a bit of a generalist with a lot of persistence can bring real value to your career.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nStevin Chacko is a Senior Data Analytics Engineer with ChowNow with an entrepreneurial sprit who loves to learn by doing. He is passionate about data and analytics, constantly learning and building products for businesses.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 57: \"Don't Take No For an Answer: Getting the Tech Job You Want\" with Stevin Chacko of ChowNow | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M34S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "26","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"4_uWiQnjYjw": {"items": [{"id": "4_uWiQnjYjw","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-12-16T23:21:56Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#30: \"Finding My Community: Immigration and Tech\" with Taimur Khan of Adsata | Educative Sessions","description": "Immigrants: they get the job done, right? 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Since moving to Germany, Taimur has not only been able to successfully establish his startup, but also to teach web development to \"newcomers.\"\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\u00a0\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\u00a0\n\nEpisode 30: \"Finding My Community: Immigration and Tech\" with Taimur Khan of Adsata | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#30: \"Finding My Community: Immigration and Tech\" with Taimur Khan of Adsata | Educative Sessions","description": "Immigrants: they get the job done, right? 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Since moving to Germany, Taimur has not only been able to successfully establish his startup, but also to teach web development to \"newcomers.\"\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\u00a0\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\u00a0\n\nEpisode 30: \"Finding My Community: Immigration and Tech\" with Taimur Khan of Adsata | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M21S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "29","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"Dl00WYR_bI0": {"items": [{"id": "Dl00WYR_bI0","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-12-18T17:08:19Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#31: \"Daring to Create My Own Future in Tech\" with Kenlyn Terai of Slalom Build | Educative Sessions","description": "A lover of quotes, Kenlyn Terai's story is somewhere between Abraham Lincoln's \"The best way to predict the future is to create it\" and Helen Keller's \"Life is a daring adventure or nothing.\" She spent a lot of time discovering the right career/life fit and decided Tech was the way to go. Join in and hear how she overcame setbacks to find a fulfilling career path.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nKenlyn Terai is a medical device product manager turned full stack engineer for Slalom Build in Seattle. She is also a mom, former competitive athlete, and entrepreneur who loves coaching and helping others reach their full potential. Currently she's loving the contributions she gets to make as an Engineer while teaching JavaScript and React on the side.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\u00a0\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\u00a0\n\nEpisode 31: \"Daring to Create My Own Future in Tech\" with Kenlyn Terai of Slalom Build | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#31: \"Daring to Create My Own Future in Tech\" with Kenlyn Terai of Slalom Build | Educative Sessions","description": "A lover of quotes, Kenlyn Terai's story is somewhere between Abraham Lincoln's \"The best way to predict the future is to create it\" and Helen Keller's \"Life is a daring adventure or nothing.\" She spent a lot of time discovering the right career/life fit and decided Tech was the way to go. Join in and hear how she overcame setbacks to find a fulfilling career path.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nKenlyn Terai is a medical device product manager turned full stack engineer for Slalom Build in Seattle. She is also a mom, former competitive athlete, and entrepreneur who loves coaching and helping others reach their full potential. Currently she's loving the contributions she gets to make as an Engineer while teaching JavaScript and React on the side.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\u00a0\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\u00a0\n\nEpisode 31: \"Daring to Create My Own Future in Tech\" with Kenlyn Terai of Slalom Build | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT12M37S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "34","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"SsNJOB_UqBI": {"items": [{"id": "SsNJOB_UqBI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-26T17:03:58Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#53: \"How a Teacher Quiets Her Impostor Syndrome\" with Rachelle Rathbone | Educative Sessions","description": "When Rachelle Rathbone was a teacher she felt totally confident in her craft but when she switched careers, that confidence vanished. She constantly questioned her abilities and often felt like the dumbest person in the room.\n\nOver the years she's learned to push back on imposter syndrome but, to this day, it still rears its ugly head the moment it senses even a hint of self doubt.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nIn 2016, Rachelle Rathbone retired from teaching, enrolled in a 6-month coding bootcamp course and took on her first engineering role early 2017. She's worked at a startup, a retail giant, and has embarked on her next adventure at Atlassian.\u00a0\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 53: \"How a Teacher Quiets Her Impostor Syndrome\" with Rachelle Rathbone of Atlassian | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","atlassian"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#53: \"How a Teacher Quiets Her Impostor Syndrome\" with Rachelle Rathbone | Educative Sessions","description": "When Rachelle Rathbone was a teacher she felt totally confident in her craft but when she switched careers, that confidence vanished. She constantly questioned her abilities and often felt like the dumbest person in the room.\n\nOver the years she's learned to push back on imposter syndrome but, to this day, it still rears its ugly head the moment it senses even a hint of self doubt.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nIn 2016, Rachelle Rathbone retired from teaching, enrolled in a 6-month coding bootcamp course and took on her first engineering role early 2017. She's worked at a startup, a retail giant, and has embarked on her next adventure at Atlassian.\u00a0\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 53: \"How a Teacher Quiets Her Impostor Syndrome\" with Rachelle Rathbone of Atlassian | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M17S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "60","likeCount": "4","dislikeCount": "1","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"WPn4H5XxJ-c": {"items": [{"id": "WPn4H5XxJ-c","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-23T20:11:38Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#12: \"The Perfect Heist: Starting a Design System from Square 1.5\" with Wal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9 | Educative","description": "Wal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9 saw their ex-company's visual vocabulary was the worst of both worlds: inconsistent and its UI components were unnecessarily redundant. 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Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 12: \"The Perfect Heist: Starting a Design System from Square 1.5\" with Wal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9 | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","design","design systems","intrapraneurship","hacking","corporate coding","team building","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#12: \"The Perfect Heist: Starting a Design System from Square 1.5\" with Wal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9 | Educative","description": "Wal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9 saw their ex-company's visual vocabulary was the worst of both worlds: inconsistent and its UI components were unnecessarily redundant. 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Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 12: \"The Perfect Heist: Starting a Design System from Square 1.5\" with Wal\u00e9 Ogundip\u00e9 | Educative Sessions"}},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M9S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "53","likeCount": "0","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"Luq45IBMXqk": {"items": [{"id": "Luq45IBMXqk","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-11-20T13:00:09Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#24: \"Rubber Ducky Coding: A.I. & Online Education\" w/ Alex Wyrick | Educative Sessions","description": "When Alex Wyrick worked on a research project, the first half required him to study AI chatbots, and the second half needed a focus on online learning. He devised a plan to teach a kids coding camp, using a Slack channel to emulate the chatbot experience. He soon learned that chatbots don't need to do anything special to be helpful. They only need to be there ... like a rubber ducky.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nAlex Wyrick is a Senior UX designer at Hitachi Vantara where he specializes in product accessibility on their enterprise software. He is also an artist, a startup enthusiast, and an all around fanboy of all things EdTech. He hopes one day to put a small dent in improving the way that people learn.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 24: \"Rubber Ducky Coding: A.I. and the Future of Online Education\" with Alex Wyrick | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","AI","online education","chatbots","artificial intelligence","education","k12","rubber duck","rubber ducky","youth education"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#24: \"Rubber Ducky Coding: A.I. & Online Education\" w/ Alex Wyrick | Educative Sessions","description": "When Alex Wyrick worked on a research project, the first half required him to study AI chatbots, and the second half needed a focus on online learning. He devised a plan to teach a kids coding camp, using a Slack channel to emulate the chatbot experience. He soon learned that chatbots don't need to do anything special to be helpful. They only need to be there ... like a rubber ducky.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nAlex Wyrick is a Senior UX designer at Hitachi Vantara where he specializes in product accessibility on their enterprise software. He is also an artist, a startup enthusiast, and an all around fanboy of all things EdTech. He hopes one day to put a small dent in improving the way that people learn.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 24: \"Rubber Ducky Coding: A.I. and the Future of Online Education\" with Alex Wyrick | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT15M58S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "23","likeCount": "0","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"HUNkzh8ji_M": {"items": [{"id": "HUNkzh8ji_M","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-16T05:51:30Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#10: \u201cForged in the Fire: A Story of Humble Hackathon Beginnings\u201d with Nicholas Walsh | Educative","description": "Imposter syndrome is something that plagues most people at some point in their careers, and for Nick Walsh, this made him avoid hackathons. This story follows Nick's hesitant foray into his first hackathon, recounting the trials and tribulations of the journey, and how its shaped his career and professional outlook ever since.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nAs a Senior Developer Advocate for Amazon Web Services, Nick Walsh works to empower developers everywhere. Nick is passionate about making interactive and accessible educational content for developers, showcasing how they can leverage cloud computing so that they can focus on building what they truly care about.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 10: \u201cForged in the Fire: A Story of Humble Hackathon Beginnings\u201d with Nicholas Walsh of AWS | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","hackathon","amazon","aws","yale","hacker","teamwork","collaboration","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#10: \u201cForged in the Fire: A Story of Humble Hackathon Beginnings\u201d with Nicholas Walsh | Educative","description": "Imposter syndrome is something that plagues most people at some point in their careers, and for Nick Walsh, this made him avoid hackathons. This story follows Nick's hesitant foray into his first hackathon, recounting the trials and tribulations of the journey, and how its shaped his career and professional outlook ever since.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nAs a Senior Developer Advocate for Amazon Web Services, Nick Walsh works to empower developers everywhere. Nick is passionate about making interactive and accessible educational content for developers, showcasing how they can leverage cloud computing so that they can focus on building what they truly care about.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 10: \u201cForged in the Fire: A Story of Humble Hackathon Beginnings\u201d with Nicholas Walsh of AWS | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M35S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "26","likeCount": "0","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"Ps3SBNqRSf0": {"items": [{"id": "Ps3SBNqRSf0","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-27T22:34:44Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#13: \u201cMy Most Embarrassing App: How I Fell in Love with Coding\u201d w/ Jacob Knopf | Educative Sessions","description": "Jacob Knopf's first app was a CLI (command line interface) built with Ruby for a pizza restaurant. An embarrassing app written in under 100 lines of code and rife with functional challenges, this app meant so much to him once he finished it. Hear the story of how Jacob fell in love with coding through this app and helped him realize that for the first time that he could actually be a developer. \n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nJacob Knopf is a homebody that loves to spend time with his wonderful fiancee, Tia, as well as his three pets Chico, Cocoa, and Binx. He enjoys swimming, baseball, traveling, hiking, camping, and anything that gets him outside in nature. He's a Minnesota native and has been living in Seattle for the past two years now (still hoping to see Bigfoot at some point).\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 13: \u201cMy Most Embarrassing App: How I Fell in Love with Coding\u201d with Jacob Knopf of Galvanize | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","learntocode","coding journey","galvanize","flatiron school","community","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","github","github repo","private repo","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#13: \u201cMy Most Embarrassing App: How I Fell in Love with Coding\u201d w/ Jacob Knopf | Educative Sessions","description": "Jacob Knopf's first app was a CLI (command line interface) built with Ruby for a pizza restaurant. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 13: \u201cMy Most Embarrassing App: How I Fell in Love with Coding\u201d with Jacob Knopf of Galvanize | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M25S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "25","likeCount": "0","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"e2LX4Qtw_ME": {"items": [{"id": "e2LX4Qtw_ME","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-01-30T02:09:57Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#35: \"...But Does it Work?\" Putting Value Over Design with Lillian Taylor of N3 | Educative Sessions","description": "Back in the 1990s, Lillian Taylor saved CitiCorp over $2M a year by teaching herself how to code and building an application which, she admits, was pretty ugly. That didn't matter to the CEO. In this talk, we'll explore the importance of business impact, coding elegance, and talking to stakeholders before writing that first line of code.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nLillian Taylor (@LillianSaysSo) has had an exciting and extensive career in financial services and the tech space, both as an analyst and complex tech sales. With experience in every aspect of the tech channel, a couple rounds of entrepreneurship and customers in almost every vertical and functional space, Lillian has purview into common organizational challenges. Mom of three and 3 time IBM champion, Lillian resides in the Seattle area with her partner and her big slobbery dog, Auggie. \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 35: \"... But Does it Work?\" Putting Value Over Design with Lillian Taylor of N3 | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#35: \"...But Does it Work?\" Putting Value Over Design with Lillian Taylor of N3 | Educative Sessions","description": "Back in the 1990s, Lillian Taylor saved CitiCorp over $2M a year by teaching herself how to code and building an application which, she admits, was pretty ugly. That didn't matter to the CEO. In this talk, we'll explore the importance of business impact, coding elegance, and talking to stakeholders before writing that first line of code.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nLillian Taylor (@LillianSaysSo) has had an exciting and extensive career in financial services and the tech space, both as an analyst and complex tech sales. With experience in every aspect of the tech channel, a couple rounds of entrepreneurship and customers in almost every vertical and functional space, Lillian has purview into common organizational challenges. Mom of three and 3 time IBM champion, Lillian resides in the Seattle area with her partner and her big slobbery dog, Auggie. \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 35: \"... But Does it Work?\" Putting Value Over Design with Lillian Taylor of N3 | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M5S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "13","likeCount": "0","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"GPof1Ii3iF8": {"items": [{"id": "GPof1Ii3iF8","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-30T06:51:41Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#14: \"Don\u2019t Trust; Verify! Lessons Learned in the Crypto Industry\" with Allie Zhang | Educative","description": "Allie Zhang shares about her experiences upon entering the crypto industry in 2017 and how she\u2019s grown along with the industry. She will talk about her lessons learned, tips to stay safe, and why despite these risks, the crypto community is one of the most collaborative in finance and tech.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nAllie Zhang is an engineer, investor, and entrepreneur, specializing in the crypto industry. She is the founder of Blocktag, a technology startup linking blockchain and physical things.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 14: \"Don\u2019t Trust; Verify! Lessons Learned in the Crypto Industry\" with Allie Zhang of Blocktag | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","cryptocurrency","bitcoin","blockchain","finance","trading","crypto","ripple","ethereum","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#14: \"Don\u2019t Trust; Verify! 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 14: \"Don\u2019t Trust; Verify! Lessons Learned in the Crypto Industry\" with Allie Zhang of Blocktag | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M5S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "27","likeCount": "0","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"hta6B4vGzXI": {"items": [{"id": "hta6B4vGzXI","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-10-31T00:10:48Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#16: \"Launching a Startup That Sells Free Awesome\" w/ Greg Bulmash of Amazon | Educative Sessions","description": "When Greg Bulmash launched Seattle CoderDojo, a nonprofit that teaches code to kids, he described it to his manager at Microsoft as \"a startup that sells free awesome.\" The first six months after launch were chaotic by normal standards: finding a kid-friendly location, managing a parent's wrath after one volunteer made a kid cry, and even trusting a volunteer to run the group after his wife needed to go to the hospital. Join us as Greg shares the humble beginnings of one of the most beloved community organizations in Puget Sound.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nGreg Bulmash is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Alexa Skills Kit Developer Relations, where he creates talks, tutorials, and code to help developers create and improve their Alexa Skills. This year he celebrates the 25th anniversary of his first web site, the 40th of his first Hello World, and the 7th of starting Seattle CoderDojo, a volunteer group that runs STEAM learning meetups for kids! \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 16: \"Launching a Startup That Sells Free Awesome: Origins of Seattle CoderDojo\" w/ Greg Bulmash | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","nonprofit","startup","entrepreneur","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","amazon","amazon alexa","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#16: \"Launching a Startup That Sells Free Awesome\" w/ Greg Bulmash of Amazon | Educative Sessions","description": "When Greg Bulmash launched Seattle CoderDojo, a nonprofit that teaches code to kids, he described it to his manager at Microsoft as \"a startup that sells free awesome.\" The first six months after launch were chaotic by normal standards: finding a kid-friendly location, managing a parent's wrath after one volunteer made a kid cry, and even trusting a volunteer to run the group after his wife needed to go to the hospital. Join us as Greg shares the humble beginnings of one of the most beloved community organizations in Puget Sound.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nGreg Bulmash is a Solutions Architect with Amazon Alexa Skills Kit Developer Relations, where he creates talks, tutorials, and code to help developers create and improve their Alexa Skills. This year he celebrates the 25th anniversary of his first web site, the 40th of his first Hello World, and the 7th of starting Seattle CoderDojo, a volunteer group that runs STEAM learning meetups for kids! \n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 16: \"Launching a Startup That Sells Free Awesome: Origins of Seattle CoderDojo\" w/ Greg Bulmash | Educative Sessions"}},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT18M7S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "37","likeCount": "0","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"VscmU-2rz94": {"items": [{"id": "VscmU-2rz94","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-01-30T04:02:49Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#36: \"From Ballet to Data Science\" with Catherine Rekhert of DataBoom | Educative Sessions","description": "One life changing event helped a girl from Kazakhstan discover that she might be great at data analytics. Despite her past background in Choreography and Economics, she took a chance and ended up working for Microsoft ! Now she is a founder of a company and a data science community, and she recently came back to the U.S. to make a lot of noise.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nCatherine Rekhert is the CEO and Founder of DataBoom She is also the founder of Kazakhstan Business Intelligence Community.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 36: \"From Ballet to Data Science\" with Catherine Rekhert of DataBoom | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#36: \"From Ballet to Data Science\" with Catherine Rekhert of DataBoom | Educative Sessions","description": "One life changing event helped a girl from Kazakhstan discover that she might be great at data analytics. Despite her past background in Choreography and Economics, she took a chance and ended up working for Microsoft ! Now she is a founder of a company and a data science community, and she recently came back to the U.S. to make a lot of noise.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nCatherine Rekhert is the CEO and Founder of DataBoom She is also the founder of Kazakhstan Business Intelligence Community.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 36: \"From Ballet to Data Science\" with Catherine Rekhert of DataBoom | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT14M27S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "102","likeCount": "7","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"2xlLxQ2Vf2s": {"items": [{"id": "2xlLxQ2Vf2s","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-05-04T17:30:11Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "Season Two Recap | Educative Sessions","description": "Season Two of Educative Sessions wrapped, and we had to include a highlight from all of our guests. Thank you for contributing to this wonderful project! We look forward to the next season!\n\n- Lee @ Educative \n\nApply to Speak on Season 3: \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nVisit Educative! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nThanks to all of our Season 2 guests \n(in alphabetical order)\n\nTapas Adhikary\nSaad Akbar\nJake Bell\nJolie Brown\nCam Buckingham\nStevin Chacko\nGreg Edwards\nNatasha Hedeker\nLisa Jiamsiriuongkul\nCarter Lathrop\nJohn Lyon-Smith\nKay McKelly\nAngel Mero\nSally Mitrofanov\nRobert Murray\nTed Neward\nSean Ottey\nIgor Packo\nParshad Patel\nSoundarya Ramakrishnan\nRachelle Rathbone\nCatherine Rekhert\nKelly Revenaugh\nLillian Taylor\nMary Thengvall\nHakon Verespej\nAlan Vezina\nSam Wilson\nHarry Zhang\n\nEDUCATIVE TEAM\n\nHost/Director/Editor\nLee Ngo\n\nProducer\nCandice Lee\n\nExecutive Producers\nFahim ul-Haq\nCecilia Cayetano\nJohn Krass\n\nContributing Staff\nAzzam Aljazi\nCameron Scott\nKelsey Hoff\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nWatch our Season 1 Recap! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSeason Two (2) Recap | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","season two","season 2","recap","highlights"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "Season Two Recap | Educative Sessions","description": "Season Two of Educative Sessions wrapped, and we had to include a highlight from all of our guests. Thank you for contributing to this wonderful project! We look forward to the next season!\n\n- Lee @ Educative \n\nApply to Speak on Season 3: \u25ba\u25ba \n\n\nVisit Educative! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nThanks to all of our Season 2 guests \n(in alphabetical order)\n\nTapas Adhikary\nSaad Akbar\nJake Bell\nJolie Brown\nCam Buckingham\nStevin Chacko\nGreg Edwards\nNatasha Hedeker\nLisa Jiamsiriuongkul\nCarter Lathrop\nJohn Lyon-Smith\nKay McKelly\nAngel Mero\nSally Mitrofanov\nRobert Murray\nTed Neward\nSean Ottey\nIgor Packo\nParshad Patel\nSoundarya Ramakrishnan\nRachelle Rathbone\nCatherine Rekhert\nKelly Revenaugh\nLillian Taylor\nMary Thengvall\nHakon Verespej\nAlan Vezina\nSam Wilson\nHarry Zhang\n\nEDUCATIVE TEAM\n\nHost/Director/Editor\nLee Ngo\n\nProducer\nCandice Lee\n\nExecutive Producers\nFahim ul-Haq\nCecilia Cayetano\nJohn Krass\n\nContributing Staff\nAzzam Aljazi\nCameron Scott\nKelsey Hoff\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nWatch our Season 1 Recap! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSeason Two (2) Recap | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT8M21S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "597","likeCount": "7","dislikeCount": "1","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "2"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "T9fl_8E7wZcMPZnQAIXqKYY5Djk","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "awgCcY6ZVQPwV6lbMyh6hclVvaM","id": "UgyGHw9AInejJrb73FV4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "2xlLxQ2Vf2s","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "aGiDKnESG6L4HT8Jk6THgNch0cw","id": "UgyGHw9AInejJrb73FV4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "2xlLxQ2Vf2s","textDisplay": "I purchased a course on educative for $79. 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Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 17: \u201cOvercoming data science interviews with an academic's mindset\u201d with Crystal Humphries of Zymergen | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","data science","academia","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#17: \u201cOvercoming Data Science Interviews\u201d with Crystal Humphries of Zymergen | Educative Sessions","description": "After earning her PhD, Crystal Humphries decided to pursue a career in data science instead. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 17: \u201cOvercoming data science interviews with an academic's mindset\u201d with Crystal Humphries of Zymergen | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT16M29S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "53","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "1"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "ZG1RyY14g9vuP9uHHrxVtUrmqy0","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 1,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": [{"kind": "youtube#commentThread","etag": "8WZ5q-vauKu7e27LdEGhLwo6DmM","id": "UgylF107zvph6gZTQBB4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "XFhoQj7nzNw","topLevelComment": {"kind": "youtube#comment","etag": "VzXCsHjDR71SQj23n8kozodTth4","id": "UgylF107zvph6gZTQBB4AaABAg","snippet": {"videoId": "XFhoQj7nzNw","textDisplay": "Great Interview","textOriginal": "Great Interview","authorDisplayName": "Rody Kingston","authorProfileImageUrl": "","authorChannelUrl": "","authorChannelId": {"value": "UCp5qGGRWUs4Msp8QeNUIA0Q"},"canRate": true,"viewerRating": "none","likeCount": 1,"publishedAt": "2021-03-30T14:08:30Z","updatedAt": "2021-03-30T14:08:30Z"}},"canReply": true,"totalReplyCount": 0,"isPublic": true}}]}},"8fwJdexUOw0": {"items": [{"id": "8fwJdexUOw0","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-03-25T15:00:05Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#52: \"A Sociological Doula Who Codes!\" with Kay McKelly | Educative Sessions","description": "Kay McKelly was in a PhD program for sociology, feeling unfulfilled and stunted in her interest in the Internet. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 52: \"A Sociological Doula Who Codes!\" with Kay McKelly | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#52: \"A Sociological Doula Who Codes!\" with Kay McKelly | Educative Sessions","description": "Kay McKelly was in a PhD program for sociology, feeling unfulfilled and stunted in her interest in the Internet. 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 52: \"A Sociological Doula Who Codes!\" with Kay McKelly | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT17M9S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "29","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"xImxEQ_V0Es": {"items": [{"id": "xImxEQ_V0Es","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-07-26T12:02:18Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#69: \"A Marine's Giant Leap into Code\" with Chris Zichko of ZichKoding | Educative Sessions","description": "When he was seven years old, Chris Zichko dreamed of going to the Moon. Eighteen years later, every decision Chris made had revolved around that dream, including joining the Marine Corps and his more recent pursuit of software development. Chris now wants to make robots to automate every chore in his life, but he still hopes of achieving the overall astronomic dreams.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nChris Zichko is from the sticks of a small town: Crossville, TN. He decided to join the Marine Corps in 2015. While in the Marine Corps Reserves as a Combat Engineer, he was able to travel the country. After dropping out of college studying physics to move to Florida, Chris wanted to make something more out of his life. He now works on projects through his company Zichkoding. You can follow his work at @zkoding.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 69: \"A Marine's Giant Leap into Code\" with Chris Zichko of ZichKoding | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","lee ngo","fahim ul haq","naeem ul haq","Educative Inc.","e-learning","software development","software"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#69: \"A Marine's Giant Leap into Code\" with Chris Zichko of ZichKoding | Educative Sessions","description": "When he was seven years old, Chris Zichko dreamed of going to the Moon. Eighteen years later, every decision Chris made had revolved around that dream, including joining the Marine Corps and his more recent pursuit of software development. Chris now wants to make robots to automate every chore in his life, but he still hopes of achieving the overall astronomic dreams.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nChris Zichko is from the sticks of a small town: Crossville, TN. He decided to join the Marine Corps in 2015. While in the Marine Corps Reserves as a Combat Engineer, he was able to travel the country. After dropping out of college studying physics to move to Florida, Chris wanted to make something more out of his life. He now works on projects through his company Zichkoding. You can follow his work at @zkoding.\n\nVisit Educative to start your journey into code \u25ba\u25ba\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \n\u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nSign Up to Speak on Educative Sessions: \u25ba\u25ba\n\n\nEpisode 69: \"A Marine's Giant Leap into Code\" with Chris Zichko of ZichKoding | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT11M38S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "true","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "71","likeCount": "7","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"D-UnLyTg_5o": {"items": [{"id": "D-UnLyTg_5o","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-02-19T22:48:25Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#42: \"My Calligraphy Sucks: How Failure Shapes Style\" w/ Sam Wilson | Educative Sessions","description": "Sam Wilson was born in a rural town in Kentucky, raised by a mom and granny who renamed him after an orphan from a TV movie of the week. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 42: \"My Calligraphy Sucks: How Failure Shapes Style in My Hobbies\" with Sam Wilson of HEB Digital | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","calligraphy"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#42: \"My Calligraphy Sucks: How Failure Shapes Style\" w/ Sam Wilson | Educative Sessions","description": "Sam Wilson was born in a rural town in Kentucky, raised by a mom and granny who renamed him after an orphan from a TV movie of the week. The waves of just six channels survived the long journey to a remote rustic home betwixt fields of corn and tobacco. There wasn't much to do other than doodle, play with wooly worms, and pretend all branches were divining rods. With calligraphy, Sam found a style where his aspirations push against limitations.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nYou can read all about Sam Wilson at\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 42: \"My Calligraphy Sucks: How Failure Shapes Style in My Hobbies\" with Sam Wilson of HEB Digital | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT13M54S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "16","likeCount": "1","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"3G557aL_Wes": {"items": [{"id": "3G557aL_Wes","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-11-10T00:44:15Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#19: \"Leaving Our 'Homesite' Behind\" with Scott McAllister of PagerDuty | Educative Sessions","description": "Scott McAllister and his co-worker decided to drive 90 minutes to check out a ColdFusion user group at Salt Lake City. When asked if anyone's still coding in the Homesite text editor tool, they found out that they were the only ones. Scott realized that there's much more you can learn by taking the leap into an unknown community, and since then his passion for cultivating developer communities was born.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nScott McAllister is a Developer Advocate for PagerDuty. He has been building web applications in several industries for over a decade. Now he's helping others learn about a wide range of web technologies. When he's not coding, writing or speaking he enjoys long walks with his wife, skipping rocks with his kids, and is happy whenever Real Salt Lake can manage a win.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 19: \"Leaving Our 'Homesite' Behind: The Beginnings of My Career in DevRel\" with Scott McAllister | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","devrel","dev advocacy","community","meetup","user group","homesite","coldfusion","utah","utah state","lee ngo"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#19: \"Leaving Our 'Homesite' Behind\" with Scott McAllister of PagerDuty | Educative Sessions","description": "Scott McAllister and his co-worker decided to drive 90 minutes to check out a ColdFusion user group at Salt Lake City. When asked if anyone's still coding in the Homesite text editor tool, they found out that they were the only ones. Scott realized that there's much more you can learn by taking the leap into an unknown community, and since then his passion for cultivating developer communities was born.\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nScott McAllister is a Developer Advocate for PagerDuty. He has been building web applications in several industries for over a decade. Now he's helping others learn about a wide range of web technologies. When he's not coding, writing or speaking he enjoys long walks with his wife, skipping rocks with his kids, and is happy whenever Real Salt Lake can manage a win.\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\n\nEpisode 19: \"Leaving Our 'Homesite' Behind: The Beginnings of My Career in DevRel\" with Scott McAllister | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT22M13S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "94","likeCount": "4","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"PaeHBmxwlZM": {"items": [{"id": "PaeHBmxwlZM","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2021-04-05T07:00:04Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#59: \"I Am A Developer Manager (And That's Okay)\" w/ Ted Neward | Educative Sessions","description": "Twenty-five years ago, in a meeting with his manager, Ted Neward swore he'd never step away from coding. 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Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 59: \"I Am A Developer Manager (And That's Okay)\" with Ted Neward of Quicken Loans | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","Educative","Sessions","Videocast","Development","Webinar","Educative Sessions","pluralsight","codecademy","Grokking","Interview","udemy","udacity","freecodecamp","speaker","talk","talk show","learning to code","bootcamp","career in tech","career in code","career","quicken loans"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#59: \"I Am A Developer Manager (And That's Okay)\" w/ Ted Neward | Educative Sessions","description": "Twenty-five years ago, in a meeting with his manager, Ted Neward swore he'd never step away from coding. Yet he is now a senior executive in an almost entirely non-technical role. What happened? What does it mean to go to the Dark Side?\u00a0 Why would he think you might want to do the same?\n\nListen to the podcast HERE:\n(Also available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and more major platforms!)\n\nABOUT OUR GUEST\n\nTed is a big geek. You can learn more about him here:\n\nDon't forget to subscribe to Educative Sessions on YouTube! \u25ba\u25ba\n\nABOUT EDUCATIVE\n\nEducative ( provides interactive and adaptive courses for software developers. Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 59: \"I Am A Developer Manager (And That's Okay)\" with Ted Neward of Quicken Loans | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT18M17S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "78","likeCount": "3","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}},"By0G7tdNe9c": {"items": [{"id": "By0G7tdNe9c","snippet": {"publishedAt": "2020-12-15T03:59:03Z","channelId": "UCT_8FqzTIr2Q1BOtvX_DPPw","title": "#29: \"A Mother's Long, Winding Road into Technology\" with Ivette Cortez | Educative Sessions","description": "Is there such a thing as the perfect life and career? 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 29: \"A Mother's Long, Winding Road into Technology\" with Ivette Cortez of ChickTech | Educative Sessions","thumbnails": {"default": {"url": "","width": 120,"height": 90},"medium": {"url": "","width": 320,"height": 180},"high": {"url": "","width": 480,"height": 360},"standard": {"url": "","width": 640,"height": 480}},"channelTitle": "Educative Sessions","tags": ["educative","sessions","videocast","podcast","development","stories","storytelling","webinar","coding","womxn","chicktech","women","women who code","women in code","equality","gender","inclusion","diversity","equity","community","youth","learn to code"],"categoryId": "28","liveBroadcastContent": "none","localized": {"title": "#29: \"A Mother's Long, Winding Road into Technology\" with Ivette Cortez | Educative Sessions","description": "Is there such a thing as the perfect life and career? 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Whether it\u2019s beginning to learn to code, grokking the next interview, or brushing up on frontend coding, data science, or cybersecurity, Educative is changing how developers continue their education. Stay relevant through our pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match a developer\u2019s skill level. Educative provides the best author platform for instructors to create interactive and adaptive content in only a few clicks.\n\nMore Videos from Educative Sessions:\n\nEpisode 29: \"A Mother's Long, Winding Road into Technology\" with Ivette Cortez of ChickTech | Educative Sessions"},"defaultAudioLanguage": "en"},"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT20M52S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"contentRating": {},"projection": "rectangular"},"statistics": {"viewCount": "81","likeCount": "2","dislikeCount": "0","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"}}],"commentData": {"kind": "youtube#commentThreadListResponse","etag": "O8HlOt5HzK0GVoBjvsNjLW-EwoU","pageInfo": {"totalResults": 0,"resultsPerPage": 20},"items": []}}}}}
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