Technical Writing vs. Business writing
Below are some types of technical writing that are not developer specific, but may interest you if you are also curious about or currently working on content creation. Although there are many more types that fall into the realm of technical writing, we will only go into depth on those mentioned below.
Courses, blogs, and articles
Creating content in the form of courses, blogs, and articles is a great way for technical people and technical writers to share knowledge with the larger software development community. Content that helps other developers to understand how to use a language, master a framework, or debug a difficult error is often published in these three mediums.
Courses, blogs, and articles should be audience-oriented, logical, clear, accessible, comprehensive, impersonal, and accurate.
Take a look at the example Educative Answer attached below. Take notice of where the technical writing characteristics have been implemented and where they could use a bit of work.
Technical marketing content
Technical marketing content is different from traditional marketing content because it dives into the ...