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Java Multithreading
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The Basics
Program vs Process vs Thread
Concurrency vs Parallelism
Cooperative Multitasking vs Preemptive Multitasking
Synchronous vs Asynchronous
I/O Bound vs CPU Bound
Throughput vs Latency
Critical Sections & Race Conditions
Deadlocks, Liveness & Reentrant Locks
Mutex vs Semaphore
Mutex vs Monitor
Java's Monitor & Hoare vs Mesa Monitors
Semaphore vs Monitor
Amdahl's Law
Moore's Law
Multithreading in Java
Thready Safety & Synchronized
Wait & Notify
Interrupting Threads
Reentrant Locks & Condition Variables
Missed Signals
Semaphore in Java
Spurious Wakeups
Java Memory Model
Java Memory Model
Reordering Effects
The happens-before Relationship
Java Thread Basics
Setting-up Threads
Basic Thread Handling
Executor Framework
Executor Implementations
Thread Pools
Types of Thread Pools
An Example: Timer vs ScheduledThreadPool
Callable Interface
Future Interface
CompletionService Interface
Concurrent Collections
Missed Signals
Missed Signals