Final Remarks

Here’s a quick summary of what we learned from the ‘‘Learn SQL’’ module.

Congratulations on completing the “Learn SQL’’ module! You’ve learned fundamental and intermediate SQL concepts, from writing basic queries and using aggregate functions to creating tables and optimizing data relationships. These skills have empowered you to generate insightful reports and manipulate data efficiently.

Try relational database teaser

Databases are the backbone of most modern software systems, whether it’s telecommunications, banking, or video games. In the next module, “Relational Database Model,’’ you’ll discover how to map data structures using entity-relationship (ER) models and understand when and why to use them. You’ll learn about functional dependency and normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF) to enhance database efficiency.

Challenge: Understanding data relationships

Let’s take a look at two simple tables, EMPLOYEE and SALARY: