

Community on a Developer or CI Machine

Community on a Developer or CI Machine

In this lesson, you will be given machine specific instructions on how to install Docker Desktop on your local machine.

Windows 10

Docker Desktop requires a Professional, Home, Enterprise or Education 64-bit edition of Windows 10, because it is based on Hyper-V.

If you have a desktop version of Windows that doesn’t meet the requirements, you may use the older Docker Toolbox based on VirtualBox.

Before you install Docker Desktop it’s important that you:

  • enable Hyper-V
  • enable hardware virtualization in the BIOS

Then, follow this link and follow the instructions found there.

During installation, you will be prompted whether to use Windows or Linux containers. I’d suggest Linux containers because:

  • You can change your mind at any moment later on, just right-click the Docker icon in your toolbar and select “Switch to Windows containers…”
  • As of now, most containers images are based on Linux


There are other Docker packages available and you can simply follow the steps depending on your version:

Whatever your Linux flavor, there are common post-installation steps here. Make sure that you read them carefully. Double-check them if you cannot successfully run the hello-world test.


Docker Desktop requires a Mac OS Sierra 10.12 or above.

If you have an older macOS version, you may use the older Docker Toolbox based on VirtualBox.

Now that we have successfully set up Docker on our machines, let’s go over some basic concepts in the next chapter.