

Chapter Conclusion

Chapter Conclusion

In this lesson, we'll formally conclude this chapter with some notes regarding migration.

Summary #

  • Migration to microservices is the typical approach for the introduction of microservices. Implementing a completely new system with microservices is the exception, but of course, it is also possible.

  • One of the most important advantages of microservices is that they work well for scenarios other than greenfield projects.

  • Choosing the right migration strategy is a complex task. It depends on the legacy system and migration goals. This chapter shows a starting point from which each project must develop its own strategy.

  • Because of the benefits of migration, microservices should be considered in any project meant to modernize a legacy system. Microservices enable step-by-step modernization, in which completely different technologies can be used. This is very helpful.

  • The migration strategy can have a significant impact on the architecture and technology selection. A split into microservices similar to the split of the modules in the legacy system can greatly simplify migration. Such a compromise has far-reaching consequences and can lead to a worse target architecture, but it can still make sense.

  • Finally, it must be possible to actually implement the architecture, and for this, a simple approach for the migration into the architecture is essential.