Final Remarks
Here's a quick summary of what we learned from the "Advanced Sorting Techniques" module.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the “Advanced Sorting Techniques” module.
In this module, we focused on two advanced sorting algorithms, Cyclic Sort and Topological Sort, that are often used in coding interviews as a way to distinguish between average and outstanding candidates. We learned that Cyclic Sort may only be used if the input list meets certain criteria, and in those situations, it’s the most efficient sorting algorithm possible. We also learned to identify when Cyclic Sort may be used and how to correctly apply it. Next, we studied Topological Sort, which utilizes graph-based algorithms to deal with partially ordered elements, enabling us to design effective and elegant solutions to seemingly complex problems from various domains such as operating systems, process scheduling, and compiler design.
What's Next
Now that we have learned when and how to use Cyclic Sort and Topological Sort, we’ll cover three coding patterns in the next module, “Elegant by Design,” where the surprising elegance and efficiency of the solution is based on careful problem analysis and the use of the most efficient operations and data structures.