Mixins in SASS


Mixins are used to store a certain set of reusable CSS rules. They are quite similar to the functions that exist in many languages like C++, Python, etc.

Remember: Mixins are only available in the latest versions of CSS, i.e., SASS/SCSS

Let’s see a simple example below:

svg viewer

In the example below, we have made the clr mixin, which assigns a green color.

Remember: we can call the mixin by using the @include syntax.

Arguments in a mixin

We can pass arguments to a mixin using the symbol. In the example below, we have passed $x as an argument to the clr() mixin. Now, clr() will change the color of <p> tag to the color specified in $x which, in our case, is orange.

We have also set the default value of $x to green.

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