Learn to Code

Join 1.4 Million developers working in companies like

Kickstart your career in tech

Build a high-paying career in just 16 weeks — for less than $6 a month!

Learn a coding language

Level up your skills with interactive, hands-on playgrounds

Find the right path for you

Not sure where to start? Take a short quiz to find out!

What's motivating you to explore coding today?
I want a new, rewarding career ASAP
Just curious to see if coding is my thing
Honestly, I'm not sure yet

Learn to code with beginner
friendly AI powered courses

Join 2.6 million developers working at companies like
Build Python Skills
Start with the fundamentals and build a solid foundation in programming
8 Weeks

Python Career Track

Learn essential skills, build your portfolio and become a tech superstar with AI powered interview preparation.
Get job ready in
16 Weeks
Build Javascript Skills
Master the language of the web and build interactive websites.
8 Weeks

Find the right path for you

Not sure where to start? Take a short quiz to find out!

What's motivating you to explore coding today?
I want a new, rewarding career ASAP
Just curious to see if coding is my thing
Honestly, I'm not sure yet

Join 2.6M+ developers learning in-demand tech skills with Educative

Master the fundamentals in a structured way. Confidently launch your career 🚀

"Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms."
Felipe MatheusSoftware Engineer
"I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand."
Adina OngSenior Engineering Manager
"I prefer Educative courses because they have a nice mix of text & images. I find that with full video courses, it can often be too easy to go into passive learning mode."
Clifford FajardoSenior Software Engineer
"I love the content on Educative and I feel as if I am definitely improving in my craft."
Thomas ChangSoftware Engineer
"Your method is simple, straight to the point and I can practice with it everywhere, even from my phone, that's something I have never had in other learning platforms."
Felipe MatheusSoftware Engineer
"I highly recommend Educative. The courses are well organized and easy to understand."
Adina OngSenior Engineering Manager

Why Learn to Code with Educative

AI-Powered Learning

AI Code Mentor helps you quickly identify errors in your code, learn from your mistakes, and nudge you in the right direction — just like a 1:1 tutor!

Ai Powered Learning

Real-World Projects

Learn and apply your skills with hands-on projects. No setup needed.

Interview Preparation

We take you from your first line of code to your first day at the job.

Coding Playgrounds

Learn with playgrounds. Practice, debug, and test code in real-time.

Shareable Certificates

Showcase your coding skills and achievements online!

Get a taste of coding.

Give it a try!

Every Educative course is loaded with interactive projects, quizzes, and sandboxes.


Add your own text between the quotation marks.


Click "Run" to display the results!

Not sure where to start? Take our most recommended Path!

Become a Python Developer

12 Weeks280 Playgrounds

Master the world’s #1 programming language and get job-ready in months, not years. Python is powerful yet clean and easy to learn, making it a popular choice for software development, ML, data science, AI, and more.

Become a Python Developer
Lesson 1: Learning With Edward the Robot
Limited time discount
Ready to supercharge your learning?
Break into tech with the skills you’d learn in a bootcamp or university — at a fraction of the cost.
Trending Topics
Career TracksCoursesPathsProjectsSoft Skills
Learn coding from basics to advanced, land a job with interview prep.

Career Tracks

Learn coding from basics to advanced, land a job with interview prep.


Start with beginner-friendly language lessons.


Build and showcase independent projects that demonstrate your skills, from concept to execution.

Soft Skills

Gain essential tools to thrive in tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I teach myself to code?

Yes, you can teach yourself to learn code with the right resources, like interactive learning platforms such as Educative. Many developers have successfully built tech careers through self-paced courses, showing that motivation and structured learning are key to learning coding.

What is coding?

Is 35 too old to learn coding?

Where is code usually used?

Is 1 hour a day enough to learn coding?

Is 3 months enough for coding?

How do I start learning to code?

How much time will it take to learn to code?

What are the best first coding languages?

What skills will I learn when I learn to code?

How do I get started?