What is isSafeInteger() in Javascript?


isSafeInteger() is a Number method that is used to determine if a given value is a safe integer. A safe integer is an integer that is in the range -(2532^{53} - 1) to (2532^{53} - 1).


The isSafeInteger() method is declared as follows:

  • value: The value to be tested to check whether it is a safe integer or not.

Return value

The isSafeInteger() method returns a boolean depending on the value as follows:

  • The isSafeInteger() method returns false if value is not a safe integer.
  • The isSafeInteger() method returns true if value is a safe integer.

Browser compatibility

The isSafeInteger() method is supported by the following browsers:

  • Edge 12
  • Firefox 32
  • Google Chrome 19
  • Opera 22
  • Safari 9


Example 1

Consider the code snippet below, which demonstrates the use of the isSafeInteger() method:

var foo = Number.isSafeInteger( -(Math.pow(2, 53)-1) ) // -2^53 - 1
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(0)
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(Math.pow(2, 53)-1) // 2^53 - 1
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);


Positive, negative, and 0 integers are passed to the isSafeInteger() method in line 1, line 4, and line 7, respectively. The isSafeInteger() method returns true, as the given values are integers in the range -(2532^{53} - 1) to (2532^{53} - 1).

Example 2

Consider the code snippet below, in which non-integers and non-safe integers are passed to the isSafeInteger() method:

var foo = Number.isSafeInteger("123")
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(11.7)
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(Infinity)
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(NaN)
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(true)
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(Math.PI)
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger([1])
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);
var foo = Number.isSafeInteger(Math.pow(2, 53)+1) // 2^53 + 1
console.log("Given value is integer: ",foo);


Non-integers and non-safe integers are passed to the isSafeInteger() method in the code snippet above. The isSafeInteger() method returns false for the non-integers and non-safe integers.

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