Abstracting External Systems in Hexagonal Architecture

Discover the domain model refinement and abstraction within the hexagonal architecture, which allows seamless interaction with external systems, enhancing testability and flexibility in application development.

In this lesson, we will consider some of the decisions we need to make when applying the hexagonal architecture approach. We’ll take a step-by-step approach to handling external systems, where we will first decide what the domain model needs, then work out the right abstractions that hide their technical details.

We will consider two common external systems:

  • Web requests

  • Database access

Creating abstractions for external systems

The place to begin our design is with our domain model. We need to devise a suitable port for our domain model to interact with. This port has to be free from any details of our external system, and at the same time, it must answer the question of what our application needs this system for. We are creating an abstraction.

A good way to think about abstractions is to think about what would stay the same if we changed how we performed a task. Suppose we want to eat warm soup for lunch. We might warm it in a pan on the stove or perhaps warm it in the microwave. No matter how we choose to do it, what we are doing stays the same. We are warming the soup and that is the abstraction we’re looking for.

We don’t often warm soup in software systems unless we are building an automated soup vending machine. But there are several common kinds of abstractions we will be using. This is because common kinds of external systems are used when building a typical web application. The first and most obvious is the connection to the web itself. In most applications, we will encounter some kind of data store, typically a third-party database system. For many applications, we will also be calling out to another web service. In turn, this service may call others in a fleet of services, all internal to our company. Another typical web service call is to a third-party web service provider, such as a credit card payment processor, as an example.

Abstract common external systems

Let’s look at ways of abstracting these common external systems.

Abstracting web requests and responses

Our application will respond to HTTP requests and responses. The port we need to design represents the request and the response in terms of our domain model, stripping away the web technology.

Our sales report example could introduce these ideas as two simple domain objects. These requests can be represented by a RequestSalesReport class:

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