Implementing a Trie

Learn to implement a trie with the help of pseudocode and working code in C++ and Java.


A trie data structure is utilized for searching or retrieving data. The most critical and frequent operations involved in a trie data structure are:

  • Insertion of a word.

  • Searching for a word/prefix.

Implementing tries

Let's begin implementing a trie class with given functions.

  • Trie(): This initializes the trie object.

  • void insert (String word): This inserts the string word into the trie.

  • boolean search (String word): This returns true if the string word exists in the trie (i.e., it was inserted earlier) and false otherwise.

  • boolean startsWith (String pref): This returns true if a previously inserted string word contains pref as a prefix; it returns false otherwise.

Trie node

Every node of the trie can have multiple children. Each child represents a possible character of the key/string. A popular way is to mark the last node of every key/string as the end of the word node.

A trie node field isEndOfWord distinguishes the node as the end of the word node. A simple structure to represent nodes of the English alphabet is as follows.

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