Palindromes Pairs

Solve a hard-level problem on finding palindrome pairs using tries.

Problem statement

Given an array words of unique strings, return an array of index pairs (i,j)(i, j) such that arr[i]+arr[j]arr[i]+arr[j] is a palindrome.

Example 1

Sample input

words: ["efgh","aap","p","pppaa","hgfe"]

Sample output



The palindromes are:
"efghhgfe" = words[0] + words[4] = "efgh" + "hgfe"
"hgfeefgh" = words[4] + words[0] = "hgfe" + "efgh"
"paap" = words[2] + words[1] = "p" + "aap"
"aappppaa" = words[1] + words[2] = "aap" + "pppaa"

Example 2

Sample input

words: ["no","on","at"]

Sample output



The palindromes are:
"noon" = words[0] + words[1] = "no" + "on"
"onno" = words[4] + words[0] = "on" + "no"

Example 3

Sample input

words: ["fff",""]

Sample output



The palindromes are:
"fff" = words[0] + words[1] = "fff" + ""
"fff" = words[1] + words[0] = "" + "fff"

Try it yourself

Try to solve the problem yourself before reading the solution.

using namespace std;
vector<vector<int>> findPalindromePairs(vector<string> words) {
// your code goes here
vector<vector<int>> answer;
return answer;
Solve palindrome pairs in C++


To solve this problem, let's first explore the properties of string pairs that form a palindrome.

Let's say that a palindrome is formed from three strings XX, YY, and ZZ.

String P=X+Y+ZP = X + Y + Z, where ZZ is the reverse of XX and YY is a palindrome in itself.

For example:
XX == "abc"
YY == ...

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