static foreach

Learn about the static foreach loop and how it is a more powerful compile-time feature than foreach.

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You saw compile-time foreach earlier in the tuples chapter. Compile-time foreach iterates the loop at compile-time and unrolls each iteration as separate pieces of code. For example, consider the following foreach loop over a tuple:

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import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;
void main() {
auto t = tuple(42, "hello", 1.5);
foreach (i, member; t) {
writefln("%s: %s", i, member);

The compiler unrolls the loop similar to the following equivalent code:

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enum size_t i = 0;
int member = t[i];
writefln("%s: %s", i,member);
enum size_t i = 1;
string member = t[i];
writefln("%s: %s", i, member);
enum size_t i = 2;
double member = t[i];
writefln("%s: %s", i, member);

Although very powerful, some properties of compile-time foreach may not be suitable in some cases:

  • With compile-time foreach ...