Markov Clustering

Understand how random walks can be used to cluster graphs and how this helps entity resolution.

Transitive clustering and MCC are popular in the community due to their simplicity and straightforward interpretation. However, they tend to underperform in scenarios with increasing cluster sizes. This, on the other hand, is the sweet spot of Markov clustering.

Resolving geographic settlements

We use the open geographic settlements dataset, where almost all clusters have a size of four. Below, we read the original data provided in JSON format and reshape the actual cluster assignments into a cross-reference table:

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import json
from itertools import combinations
from typing import Union, Iterable, Tuple
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
def cross_ref_to_index(df: pd.DataFrame, id_column: str, match_key_columns: Union[str, list[str]]) -> pd.MultiIndex:
match_lists = df.sort_values(id_column, ascending=False).groupby(match_key_columns)[id_column].apply(lambda s: list(s))
match_lists = match_lists.loc[match_lists.apply(lambda s: len(s)) > 1]
match_pairs = []
for match_list in match_lists:
match_pairs += list(combinations(match_list, 2))
return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(match_pairs)
def edges_to_cross_ref(edges: Iterable[Tuple], name_original_id: str, name_resolved_id: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Applies transitive closure and returns resuts as a cross-reference table."""
graph = nx.from_edgelist(edges)
sub_graphs = [graph.subgraph(c) for c in nx.connected_components(graph)]
match_groups = []
for i, sub_graph in enumerate(sub_graphs):
match_groups.append(pd.DataFrame({name_original_id: sub_graph.nodes})
.assign(**{name_resolved_id: i}))
return pd.concat(match_groups, ignore_index=True)
# Read the settlements dataset provided in JSON line format:
data = []
with open('geo_settlements/settlements.json', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
settlements = pd.json_normalize(data).rename(columns={'data.lon': 'lon', '': 'lat', 'data.label': 'name'})[['id', 'name', 'lon', 'lat']]
print('Example records: \n', settlements.head())
# Read the actual cluster assignments:
data = []
with open('geo_settlements/combinedSettlements(PerfectMatch).json', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
true_clusters = pd.json_normalize(data)['clusteredVertices']
true_clusters = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({'id': cluster}).assign(cluster=i) for i, cluster in true_clusters.items()]).reset_index(drop=True)
# Transform actual matches into MultiIndex to meet recordlinkage standards:
true_matches = cross_ref_to_index(df=true_clusters, id_column='id', match_key_columns='cluster')
print('\nNumber of actual matches: ', true_matches.shape[0])
print('Distribution of actual cluster sizes: \n', true_clusters.cluster.value_counts().value_counts())

Each record consists of a name and geographic coordinates. We create one similarity feature for names using the Jaro-Winkler scores and another based on geodesic distances between coordinates. We use a rule-based model to predict matches ...