Face Swap

Learn the face-swapping mechanism.


Face swapping can be regarded as a fusion of a person’s facial features with other features of another face in order to form a new face image. This technique is largely used as an animation tool for cinematic special effects and entertainment applications.

Face mash-up tools have always been a source of enjoyment, amusement, and fun. These tools will enable us to merge our faces with those of our friends or even celebrities.

Nowadays, these tools are becoming common on social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. They’re also experiencing high demand in printing industries like magazines, newspapers, movie posters, and so on.

Below, we’ve put together a quick list of the top face merging online services that you can use:

  • Face Transformer Image Upload
  • Fun, Funny, and Free Photo Tools
  • Tools for Editing Photos of Faces
  • MorphThing
  • Face Swap Online

There are also professional design programs to merge faces, such as Photoshop and Adobe After Effects.

Face swap versus face morph

Although these two terminologies seem synonymous to each other, these two small differences exist between them:

  • Face swapping replaces almost all of the pixels in the original face.
  • Face morph stitches and blends the pixels of both faces to bring out more realistic effects.


Have you ever wondered how two faces can be blended together? This lesson will demonstrate a face blending technique, as wellshow the steps that are needed to merge a specific face image with a pre-chosen one.

This process involves the following steps:


We’ll be using the following external Python libraries.










Let’s code the utility

Let’s take a look at the main functions of this utility.

The load_image function

This function reads a preselected image and creates a black mask having the same dimensions as the selected image. Let’s define this function:

  • Line 3