AWS DynamoDB
Discover DynamoDB, a fast and flexible NoSQL database.
Let's imagine we have a large library with thousands of books (data) and a super-efficient librarian (DynamoDB) who can quickly find, store, or update books based on our requests.
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. It is designed to handle large amounts of data and traffic, making it a great choice for serverless applications using AWS Lambda and Step Functions.
Here are some key concepts and benefits of DynamoDB that can be helpful when working with AWS Lambda and Step Functions.
In DynamoDB, data is stored in tables, similar to how books are organized into sections within a library. Each table contains multiple items (rows) and each item has a set of attributes (columns). We can create, update, or delete tables as needed, and DynamoDB automatically scales our table's capacity based on our usage patterns.
Just like a librarian uses a book's title or author to locate it, DynamoDB ...